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Specialist planning for care and senior citizens

Demographic change means that the number of older and very old people is also increasing in Wolfsburg. Our primary goal is to delay the need for care for as long as possible and to enable all people in need of care and assistance to live a long, self-determined life in their familiar surroundings, ideally even in their own home. As a local authority, it is our duty to ensure the necessary care provision structure in accordance with the legal basis and local requirements. As the city of Wolfsburg, we take our task very seriously. The creation of the position of care and senior planning has laid the foundation for acting more systematically and in close cooperation with all stakeholders in Wolfsburg's care sector in the future.


City of Wolfsburg
Social Affairs Division
Eileen Thiele
Scientific specialist planning for care and senior citizens

Phone: 49 5361 28-5166
Mobile: 49 151 12495876
Town Hall B, Room 169 | Porschestraße 49 | D-38440 Wolfsburg

Local care report

The local care report (§ 3 NPflegeG) is an instrument of nursing care planning and contains information on the current status and future development of the nursing care situation. In addition, the care report makes suggestions for further developing the existing care structure and adapting it to the identified needs.

Click here to access the Local Care Report 2023 of the City of Wolfsburg:

Public care conference of the city of Wolfsburg

With the public care conference, the city of Wolfsburg has chosen a new format to give all interested parties access to the conference. Where possible, the conference is given an overarching main topic, on which experts and speakers give presentations. The public care conference also serves as a forum for exchange and consultation on local care-related topics (Section 4 NPflegeG) and for networking.

The motto of the first public care conference in 2023 was: 'What moves Wolfsburg's carers and cared-for people? - Results from the Care Report 2023'.

The minutes of the first public care conference in Wolfsburg on 14.11.2023 can be found here:

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