With the merger of unemployment benefit and social assistance on January 1, 2005, the basic security benefit for people in old age and with permanent full reduction in earning capacity was included in Social Code XII (SGB XII).
Assistance with living expenses
Every person is entitled to subsistence assistance if they are unable to meet their basic needs
- from their own means (income and assets) and resources (use of their labor)
- or with the help of others (e.g. parents, children).
An additional requirement for entitlement to assistance with living expenses is that there is no entitlement to
- to basic security benefits in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity in accordance with the fourth chapter of SGB XII or
- to citizen's allowance (basic income support for jobseekers according to SGB II).
What is basic security?
The basic security benefit is a social benefit that ensures the basic needs for the subsistence of persons
- who have reached the age of 65 or
- who have reached the age of 18 and are permanently fully incapacitated for work, regardless of the respective labor market situation.
Who can receive benefits under this law?
Persons with their habitual residence in the Federal Republic of Germany areeligible to apply :
- who have reached the age of 65 or
- who have reached the age of 18 and are permanently fully incapacitated for work regardless of the respective labor market situation
- whose earning capacity is limited due to illness or disability and who are temporarily (permanently) unable to work at least 3 hours per day under normal conditions on the general labor market. This determination is made by the responsible pension insurance provider at the request of the basic security office.
Persons arepermanently fully disabled:
- who receive a permanent disability pension.
- who are employed in a workshop for disabled people or persons who are not able to work in a workshop.
- whose earning capacity is limited due to illness or disability and who are temporarily (permanently) unable to work at least 3 hours a day under normal conditions on the general labor market. This determination is made by the responsible pension insurance provider at the request of the basic income support office.
What is the composition of the power?
The benefits are intended to ensure the basic needs of human existence, such as food, clothing, personal hygiene, household goods, household energy, personal needs of daily life as well as adequate accommodation and heating. The benefits - with the exception of accommodation and heating - are provided in the form of standard rates. Individual benefits are only considered under special circumstances.
Additional needs due to- Age and proof of the "G" mark
- full reduction in earning capacity and proof of the "G" mark
- pregnancy
- single parenting of children
- costly food in case of illness and hot water in case of decentralized hot water supply can be recognized.
Furthermore, reasonable health and long-term care insurance contributions can be taken into account.
City of Wolfsburg
Social Affairs Division
City Hall B, Room 103
Porschestraße 49
38440 Wolfsburg