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Promotion of care facilities

Day care

Partial inpatient care (day care) can be designed as day or night care. Day care is generally used by people in need of care whose relatives work during the day. Those in need of care are usually picked up in the morning and returned home in the afternoon.

The fees for day care are made up of various cost components. With the exception of investment costs, these are usually renegotiated once a year between the day care center and the nursing care insurance funds. Day care receives a subsidy from the local social welfare agency for the investment costs, but the person to be cared for may also have to make a personal contribution. The day care fee to be paid then results from the listed items.

It consists of

  • the care fee (for care and support) depending on the care level,
  • the accommodation costs,
  • the cost of meals, the cost of travel, and
  • if applicable, the share of investment costs.

The nursing care insurance fund assumes a share of the costs of the nursing care fee depending on the nursing care level. As a rule, the costs of meals, accommodation, travel costs and separately billable investments must be paid by the patient.

Promotion of day care and outpatient care facilities

Funding for day care centers is based on the Lower Saxony Care Act (NPflegeG). Funding is provided for investments necessary for operation or expenses for rent/lease, at the earliest from the date of application.

The prerequisite is the existence of a care contract according to section 72 or section 73 SGB XI, a valid care rate agreement according to section 85 paragraph 1 SGB XI or section 89 paragraph 1 SGB XI and the remuneration of the care staff according to the collective agreement.

The amount of funding for outpatient care services is based on Section 9 Sentence 1 of the Nursing Care Act in conjunction with Section 2 of the Ordinance on the Implementation of Funding for Nursing Care Facilities (PflegeEFördVO). This is a flat rate per assessment point.

Day care facilities can apply for funding under section 10 and section 16 of the NPflegeG in conjunction with the PflegeEFördVO for investment costs and rental or lease costs. A subsidy of eligible expenses according to section 10 NPflegeG can be settled with the social affairs division.
The separate calculation of investment costs in accordance with Section 16 of the NPflegeG, on the other hand, are costs that the daycare provider must bear and can therefore be invoiced to the daycare provider.


Mr. Pagel
Phone: 05361 28-5184

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