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Home Supervision

The home supervisor is an advisory and complaints office. It advises residents, relatives, legal guardians, home operators, employees, doctors and therapists.
Sabine van Erp on Pixabay.com

The home supervisory authority is committed to safeguarding the interests and needs of residents of all full and part-time residential care facilities (homes and day care facilities) in the city of Wolfsburg. If you have any questions or problems regarding the operation of a home, you can contact the home supervisory authority directly. On request, your concerns will be treated in strict confidence.

The aim is to represent the dignity, interests and needs of residents, but also to ensure the quality of care and living as well as the food and social care in the facilities. The legal basis for the activities of the home supervisory authority is the Nursing Homes Act (HeimG), the Lower Saxony Supportive Housing Act (NuWG) and the associated ordinances.

How to find us:

City Hall B, Room B 159/160
Porschestrasse 49, 38440 Wolfsburg, Germany


You can reach us by telephone or e-mail. If you would like to visit us in person, please make an appointment in advance, as we are often out of the office.

Mrs. Cornelia Lorenz
Phone: 05361 28-1645
Mobile: 0160 91178162
E-Mail: Heimaufsicht@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Ms. Jeanette Albrecht-Heickel
Phone: 05361 28-1176
Mobile: 0151 41432922
E-mail: Heimaufsicht@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Mrs. Kristin Merkel

Nursing Specialist
Phone: 05361 28-1963
Mobile: 0151 72849778
E-mail: Heimaufsicht@stadt.wolfsburg.de

In addition, you can turn to the following contact points for further help and advice:

or the nursing care insurance fund of the home resident

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