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Social planning

Grafik mit Menschen vor einem Globus aus Puzzleteilen; Grafik:

Integrated social planning

The social situation of citizens in the city of Wolfsburg plays a decisive role for future coexistence and local political action. Integrated social planning is an important instrument for researching social living conditions, socio-structural contexts, but also for identifying social potentials and problem situations.

It aims at shaping the social living conditions of citizens as well as participation within the municipal provision of public services. The central tasks of social planning are:

  • The description and determination of living conditions and needs (sociological analyses).
  • The development of integrated measures and support systems
  • The as well as the subsequent review of effects.
  • Social reporting

Consequently, the work of social planning moves between politics, administration, science and practice and includes social research, planning and coordination activities at the same time.

Social Reporting

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