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Support with dementia

An older woman is embraced by a younger woman
An older woman is embraced by a younger woman
Photo: Ocskay

As one of the most common diseases in old age, dementia is a particular challenge for those affected and their relatives. Here you will find support options for those affected and relief offers for family caregivers.

Guide for people with dementia and relatives

The Senior Citizens and Care Support Center has compiled all the important contacts and points of contact relating to dementia in a brochure. You can obtain this from the Senior Citizens and Care Support Center or online as a pdf file.

Below you will find options for support:

Outpatient care services

If you have a care degree, you have the option of receiving support in your own home from an outpatient care service. You can find an overview of care services in Wolfsburg here:

Outpatient assisted living communities for dementia patients

In an outpatient assisted living community for people with dementia, a maximum of twelve people generally live together in a large apartment. They are cared for on an outpatient basis by an on-site care service. Dementia flatshares promise a living community with everyday and family-like structures similar to your own four walls. In Wolfsburg, Neuland Wohnungsgesellschaft offers the "Neues Land" dementia residential community in the Detmerode district in close cooperation with the Bettina Harms care service.

Consulting services

Here you can get advice on the subject of dementia:

Support groups

Care groups offer family members predictable, regular relief. In many cases, the costs are covered by care insurance.

Café "ForgetMyNot"

You can find more information about the Café-Treff for people with dementia and their relatives here:

Discussion groups for family caregivers

In discussion groups, relatives can talk about their experiences, worries and fears in connection with dementia, but also receive suggestions for dealing with those affected.

Nursing Homes

If independent living in your own home is no longer possible, even with support, then you should consider moving to an inpatient care facility. The costs for this are partly covered by the care insurance if you are in need of care (at least care level 2). You can find a list of Wolfsburg care homes here:

Hourly care

In addition to nursing care, outpatient care services also offer temporary care for dementia patients in their own homes.

Day care

Day care offers all-day care outside the home. In addition to care services, the offer also includes nursing care.

You can find a list of Wolfsburg's day care facilities here:


City of Wolfsburg
Senior citizens and care center

Social Affairs Division
Schillerstrasse 40

38440 Wolfsburg
Telephone: 05361 28-2848

E-mail to the senior citizens and care support center

Opening hours
Monday: 08:30 - 12:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 16:30
Wednesday: 08:30 - 12:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:30
Friday: 08:30 - 12:00

Postal address:
City of Wolfsburg
Social Affairs Division
Senior citizens and care support center
Porschestraße 49
38440 Wolfsburg

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