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Living in old age

Most people want to live independently within their own four walls into old age. Here you can find out what options and alternatives are available.
Cardboard house on a meadow; Photo: ponsulak/
Cardboard house on a meadow
Photo: ponsulak/

Has your apartment become too big, do you want to convert your house to make it accessible or are you planning to move into assisted living or a shared apartment? Housing needs change over the course of a lifetime. You can obtain information on the following topics from the City of Wolfsburg's senior citizens and care support center:

Housing counseling

The aim of housing advice is to maintain independent living in your own home. Even small measures often have a big impact! Removing tripping hazards, installing handrails or improving lighting are manageable solutions. They prevent accidents and injuries and enable people to manage their everyday lives independently.


Sometimes it is only possible to remain in one's own home if structural changes are made. The care insurance funds contribute financially to measures to improve the individual living environment. The prerequisite is a care wheel. You can obtain more information from your local care insurance fund and from a consultation at the senior citizens and care support center.

The city of Wolfsburg supports the age-appropriate conversion of owner-occupied homes with grants or loans. Funding is available under certain conditions and is income-dependent.

Service living and assisted living

Would you like to live independently within your own four walls, be in company and be able to fall back on support if necessary? Then a serviced apartment is an alternative to care at home. In assisted living, you live in your own home and can access the services of a nearby care home if required.
You can download a list of serviced living providers here.

Shared care homes

Shared flats are an alternative to residential care when care at home is no longer sufficient. Residents can contribute to life in a shared flat according to their abilities. Shared apartments offer a self-determined lifestyle with support. Your own room serves as a place of retreat. In the common rooms, shared activities can take place with the other residents and new contacts can be made.


City of Wolfsburg
Senior citizens and care center

Social Affairs Division
Schillerstrasse 40
38440 Wolfsburg

Telephone: 05361 28-2848

Logo of the senior citizens and care support center

We also offer video consultations on request. If you are interested, please contact us!

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