Tenants of residential property and owners of owner-occupied residential property receive housing benefit in accordance with the Housing Benefit Act (WoGG) as a subsidy towards rent or monthly charges if they meet the legal requirements and are not excluded from housing benefit.
The number of household members, the amount of rent or the amount of the monthly charge in the case of owner-occupied housing and the total income of all household members are decisive for calculating the housing benefit entitlement.
If persons who are excluded from housing benefit due to other benefits (see below) also live in the household, their income and share of housing costs are not taken into account when calculating housing benefit.
If an entitlement exists, housing benefit is paid from the 1st of the month in which the application was submitted. If the processing time is longer, the benefit will be paid retroactively to the month of application. -
Things to know about housing benefit
The most important information summarized concisely:
The asset exemption limit for housing benefit is 60,000 euros for a single person plus 30,000 euros for each additional household member.
Allowances are taken into account for single parents (1,320 euros per year), severely disabled persons (1,800 euros per year) and children with earned income (1,200 euros per year), among others. From 2021, a basic pension allowance (at least 1,200 euros) was introduced.
Housing benefit is calculated from gross income. Taxes, contributions to health and long-term care insurance and pension insurance contributions are taken into account through flat-rate deductions of 10% each.
Children of parents who are permanently separated are taken into account in both households if certain conditions are met. For example, it must be ensured that the children concerned live alternately and regularly in the homes of both parents and are cared for there.
Once entitlement to housing benefit has been established, not every increase in income automatically leads to a reduction in the amount of benefit. Only after an increase in total income of more than 15% would such a reduction in benefits have to be determined. Specific information on the existing notification and cooperation obligations can be found on the application form and in the housing benefit notice.
Deceased household members can continue to be taken into account in the housing benefit calculation for a period of 12 months after the month of death in order to be able to counter the serious personal and economic cuts during a transitional period.
Maintenance payments to persons outside your own household are taken into account when calculating housing benefit up to a maximum of EUR 3,000 per year (spouses/partners EUR 6,000). Under certain circumstances, higher amounts can also be taken into account.
In certain cases, recipients of housing benefit can apply for exemption from broadcasting fees at the fee collection center Der Rundfunkbeitrag - Befreiung oder Ermäßigung beantragen.
The housing benefit office will not ask you to leave your home if it is too large or too expensive. Housing benefit provides support up to the statutory limits. The part of the rent that exceeds these limits is not taken into account.
Housing benefit is also available for owner-occupied property (encumbrance allowance). The calculation is based on certain expenses for the living space, such as the capital charge (interest and repayment), property tax and a flat rate for maintenance and operating costs. This flat rate is 36 euros per m².
The maximum rent amounts also apply here. -
Transfer payment
Household members are excluded in particular if they are entitled to transfer benefits in the form of
- Citizen's allowance according to the Second Book of the German Social Code (SGB II),
- Assistance towards living expenses or basic security in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity in accordance with the Twelfth Book of the German Social Code (SGB XII),
- assistance under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
and accommodation costs are paid.
Also excluded are household members who are taken into account when calculating the need for one of the above-mentioned benefits. For example, the spouse and children of the person entitled to benefits, their life partner or persons who live with the person entitled to benefits in a so-called community of responsibility and liability.
Please note that the above list is not exhaustive and only refers to the most common reasons for exclusion. For further information, please contact the Housing Benefit Office.
If you are already receiving housing benefit, you will already be excluded from housing benefit if you apply for one of the above-mentioned transfer benefits.
In this case, please remember to inform the Housing Benefit Office in good time of any such application. -
No exclusion from housing benefit
This is the case, for example, if
- the transfer benefit is reclaimed in full for one month or several months by the social benefit provider,
- accommodation costs are not taken into account when calculating the transfer benefit,
- the transfer benefit is granted exclusively as a loan,
- the need for assistance within the meaning of SGB II, SGB XII or the AsylbLG is avoided or eliminated by housing benefit,
- an application for a transfer benefit is withdrawn or rejected
Housing benefit is a priority benefit within the meaning of SGB II and XII (as well as the AsylbLG) if the existing need can be fully covered by housing benefit and, if applicable, child supplement from the family benefits office. However, if housing benefit is less than the SGB II or SGB XII (or AsylbLG) benefit, it can still be received if the difference does not exceed 20 percent of the existing need. In this case, the other transfer benefit must be waived in writing.
Housing benefit for students, pupils and trainees
Who is excluded from the housing allowance?
Single students/pupils/trainees (or households with only students/pupils/trainees) who are entitled to BAföG / BAB / ABG are excluded from housing benefit. This is the case if a BAföG / BAB / ABG entitlement exists but is not paid out due to excessive income or assets (including those of the parents).
Who is entitled to housing allowance?
Students, school pupils and trainees are excluded by law from some social benefits.
Housing benefit may be available to students and trainees if at least one member of the household is not entitled to benefits under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) or to a vocational training allowance (BAB) or training allowance (ABG).
An entitlement to housing benefit may exist, for example, if
- a student or trainee is entitled to BAföG/BAB or ABG, but does not live alone (e.g. together with their own child or parents or a partner who is not entitled to the above-mentioned benefits),
- BAföG is paid as a full loan,
- students, pupils or trainees receive additional needs (e.g. for single parenthood) in accordance with § 27 Para. 2 SGB II,
- there is no entitlement to BAföG or BAB or ABG on the merits.
There is no entitlement to BAföG / BAB / ABG, for example, if
- the maximum funding period (of BAföG) has been exceeded,
- proof of performance according to § 48 BAföG is not provided,
- the age limit of 30 (Bachelor) or 35 years (Master) is exceeded at the start of studies,
- a change of subject is made without a reason recognized by the Studentenwerk,
- if a student has already completed a degree program or
- a student is pursuing a second course of study, a training occupation is not eligible for funding due to legal regulations.
Is there a minimum income?
In order to receive housing benefit, you must prove that you can approximately cover your living expenses with your existing income/assets and the expected housing benefit. This is checked by the housing benefit authority on a case-by-case basis.
Students, pupils and trainees who are entitled to housing benefit in many ways from the statutory regulations, as
- only half of the BAföG grant is considered eligible income; the full amount of the loan is not taken into account
- student loans remain completely free of charge,
- BAB/ABG and scholarships - similar to the BAföG grant portion - are only half taken into account,
- some student part-time jobs (e.g. training supervisor activities) are not taken into account or are only taken into account proportionately.
The legal basis for the eligibility of students, pupils and trainees for housing benefit has been formulated by the legislator in §20 para. 2 WoGG and the associated housing benefit administrative regulations.
Who is excluded from the housing allowance?
Housing allowance for owners of residential property
Who is entitled to housing benefit and who is not?
Owners of owner-occupied residential property also have the option of receiving housing benefit. In this case, it is a so-called "Lastenzuschuss" (as opposed to housing benefit for tenants, who can apply for a rent subsidy).
The same statutory limits for housing costs and income apply to the calculation of the housing allowance as those stipulated by law for tenants.The burden to be taken as a basis is calculated from
- the debt service (interest and redemption payments to pay off bank or building society loans),
- the fixed property tax,
- a so-called management fee,
- the management costs (for condominiums), and
- if applicable, a deduction of lump sums for a garage, carport or parking space.
Many benefits for homeowners
- The flat-rate management fee of 36 euros per square meter of living space also results in a housing allowance-eligible burden for residential property that has already been paid off.
- Although the specific size of the living space is irrelevant for housing benefit, a larger living space may result in a higher entitlement to support due to the aforementioned flat-rate management fee for the housing benefit.
- Modernization and renovation measures that lead to additional or extended borrowing may also be taken into account when calculating the encumbrance allowance.
- Owner-occupied residential property is not considered an asset for housing benefit purposes!
To enable a quick calculation, please enclose a copy of the following documents and evidence with your application for housing benefit:
- the existing purchase contract
- the current extract from the land register
- a certificate of borrowed funds from the respective bank confirming the existing debt service
- current proof of payment of the interest and repayments made
- a living space calculation (often part of the purchase contract)
- the current property tax assessment notice
- the most recent statement of property charges or the current economic plan (for condominiums)
How and where do I submit the application?
The necessary application documents are available under "Applications and documents to download".
You can also pick up or hand in application documents in person at Wolfsburg City Hall, Room B104, Porschestraße 49, 38440 Wolfsburg or drop them in the letterbox in front of the building.
Personal or telephone consultation is only possible to a limited extent due to the large number of applications expected. Please also refrain from making telephone inquiries about the processing status.
The staff at the housing benefit office will contact you in writing by letter if there is still a need for clarification.
As a rule, the following documents are required in addition to the completed and signed application:
- complete tenancy agreement
- Current rent assessment letter (current rent amount) from your landlord
- LSW rent assessment
- current proof of payment of the rent (bank statement)
Below only the relevant information.
- Proof of the amount and duration of receipt of short-time allowance, sickness benefit, parental allowance and/or unemployment benefit
- In the case of employment, the "Employer's certificate of earnings" completed by the employer and a current payslip
- current pension statements
- if applicable, notification of citizen's allowance
- Child benefit notice and bank statement with the transfer
If you wish to send documents by e-mail, please send them ONLY in PDF format to e-mail: team-wohngeld@stadt.wolfsburg.de.
Otherwise, delivery of your e-mail or the legibility of your documents cannot be guaranteed.
If you are unable to send your documents in PDF format, please send them by post.
The documents you submit will be digitized and will then only be available in this form. All submitted receipts will be irrevocably destroyed after a period of 6 weeks!
Therefore, please do not submit any originals by post, only copies!
Please do not staple, clip or glue the documents to be submitted, as this may prolong the processing time.
Please send the application documents by post to:
City of Wolfsburg
Housing benefit office
Porschestraße 49
38440 Wolfsburg -
Housing allowance calculator
You can use the following website to calculate your housing benefit without obligation.
Applications and documents for download
- Information sheet on the housing allowance application
- Application for load subsidy
- Application for rent subsidy
- Application for school trips
- Annex "Expenses for the fulfillment of legal maintenance obligations".
- Annex "Landlord's information on the living space" (Landlord's declaration)
- Annex "Information on the determination of the burden from debt service and management".
- Application "Transfer of the living space to a third party or a third party against payment, especially in case of subletting".
- Certificate of merit
- Annex "Annex housing conditions and household management
- Supplementary questionnaire for students and trainees
City of Wolfsburg
Housing benefit office
City Hall B Room 104
Porschestraße 49
38440 Wolfsburg