On the pages offered here you will find useful tips and suggestions as well as a (non-exhaustive) overview of providers and courses offered by external providers.
General information
WavebreakmediaMicro / Fotolia.com
People in our society are enjoying a steadily increasing life expectancy. This increases the desire for health in old age and the preservation of physical performance. But how can this be achieved? For many people, competitive sports are not an option for various reasons. Here, health sports offer a good alternative, because it is important to keep fit as early as possible and then to continue with this endeavor in old age. Health sport aims to support this and is therefore becoming increasingly important.
Further information on the subject of health sport can be found at www.healthy48.com (opens in a new window).
Kneipp Association Fallersleben
Kneipp does good!
Kneipp Association FallerslebenKneipp is good for you!
The Fallersleben Kneipp Association has been offering health sports since 1966 and now has almost 700 members. The modern health sports program offers something for all age groups, including spinal gymnastics, health sports for older people, functional training, water gymnastics, an outpatient cardiac sports group (rehab) and osteoporosis groups (rehab).