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Climate adaptation concept (KLAK)

Participation on 25.01.2025
Participation on 25.01.2025


A public event on the climate adaptation concept took place on 25.01.2025.
The results of the participation will be incorporated into the measures now being drawn up. The climate adaptation concept is expected to be published in mid-2025.

Project title:

Individual project Integrated and sustainable climate adaptation management and concept for the city of Wolfsburg

Funding priority:

Creation of a sustainable adaptation concept (initial project)


01.05.2023 - 30.06.2025

Funding reference number:


Funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMVU) on the basis of a resolution of the German Bundestag


Future - Environment - Society (ZUG) gGmbH

Logo des Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV)

Project description:

The project serves to develop an integrated climate adaptation concept as part of sustainable adaptation management for the city of Wolfsburg. The aim is to tackle the necessary adaptation processes as early as possible, systematically and in an integrated manner in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals. The adaptation concept serves as a decision-making basis and planning aid for future adaptation activities in the municipality. It is intended to show what potential exists for adapting to the consequences of climate change and includes a corresponding adaptation plan. The contents of the adaptation concept specifically address the local characteristics and also correspond to the sustainability goals. The results, findings and experience gained during the project serve as a basis for the subsequent planned implementation of the sustainable adaptation concept with its priority measures. With the help of the concept, the overall adaptability of the city of Wolfsburg is to be increased.

Aim and content:

The aim of the climate adaptation concept is to bundle measures and strategies in the city administration and to show how the adaptability of people, ecosystems and infrastructures to the effects of climate change can be strengthened. The aim is to enable a sustainable and resilient future for the city of Wolfsburg despite climate change.

Brief description and purpose of the project:

It can be assumed that climate change will continue to progress and that weather events with increasing damage potential will therefore also increase in Wolfsburg. With the creation of a climate adaptation concept, the city of Wolfsburg would first like to investigate which existing and expected climate impacts will affect the city. The relevant fields of action are then to be integrated and considered in the long term in order to develop a strategy with countermeasures. Building on previous experience, the stated aim is to be prepared for climate change impacts at an early stage in order to reduce the vulnerability of natural, social and economic systems to climate impacts and at the same time increase the adaptability of these systems and the exploitation of potential opportunities.
As a basis for the climate adaptation concept, the first step is to analyze climate change impacts that have already occurred and to forecast expected future climate change impacts. From this, emerging challenges and opportunities can be derived and fields of action identified that take into account both short-term acute and long-term consequences of climate change. If this data is overlaid with local circumstances, such as the population or settlement structure, the next step is to identify particularly affected or sensitive fields of action and locations (hotspots).

Based on the results of this analysis, an overall strategy is developed that prioritizes fields of action, identifies possible solutions, formulates holistic objectives taking into account the sustainability goals and identifies necessary land requirements for adaptation measures.

A catalog of measures forms the basis for implementing the climate adaptation objectives. This specifies targets with different time horizons and the action required to achieve them. Possible synergies or conflicts with climate protection activities are examined.

In order to permanently integrate climate adaptation activities into the administration and the municipality, a continuation strategy is being developed that starts at the organizational level, specifies responsibilities, creates structures and promotes networking.

A cotrolling concept is also part of the project. It aims to systematically record and evaluate the short, medium and long-term effects of adaptation management.

The entire process will be accompanied by active public relations work and stakeholder and citizen participation. To this end, a communication strategy will be developed to determine how the topic can attract attention in order to achieve broad and active participation and the implementation of measures.

Contact person:

Ms. Lansing
Telephone: 49 5361 28-5195
Am Mühlengraben 1, Room 9


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