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Projects of the Wolfsburg Agenda 21 forums

Event on the topic of the environment

We would like to introduce you to some successful projects and measures of Wolfsburg's Agenda 21, which we have initiated and implemented, or are implementing, together with the broad commitment of citizens, associations, politics and the city administration:

  • Competition
    "Natural gardens and balconies in Wolfsburg wanted".

    Do you have a natural garden or balcony? Or would you like to set one up? Then you are cordially invited to participate in our competition! Everyone can take part now.

    Poster Natural Gardens

    With this competition we would like to inspire as many people as possible from Wolfsburg to present us their food and habitat offers for bees, bumblebees, butterflies, garden birds, hedgehogs and co.

    Simply send us up to three current and meaningful pictures from your garden or balcony and describe your submitted photos in a few words.

    Nature is not the only winner in this competition. There are also exciting prizes in store for the participants*. A special prize will be offered for transforming a "gravel garden" into a nature-oriented garden (documentation before/after is required).

    A selection of entries will be published and displayed.

    Please send your entry (maximum 3 current and meaningful images, digital or as a photo) to:

    Naturschutz-Zentrum e. V., Lönsstraße 5a, 38440 Wolfsburg, Germany
    or by e-mail to nzwob@wolfsburg.de
    or bring them here personally (open: Monday and Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00, Thursday 16:00 - 18:00, phone: 05361 23529).
    Please do not forget your contact address.

    Closing date: end of August 2023

    The competition is an action of the Wolfsburg Agenda 21 Forum "Conservation of Biodiversity" with the support of the City of Wolfsburg.

    Notes on data protection:

    For the processing of your competition entries and the publication of a selection of the submitted images, your consent is required in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. A corresponding information sheet is available here.

    By submitting your competition entries, please confirm that you have read the notes on data protection and agree to the processing of your personal data for the competition and the publication of a selection of the submitted images. Without your consent, you will not be able to participate in the competition.
    You are free at any time to revoke your consent by revocation and thus withdraw from participation in the competition. You can communicate the revocation by e-mail to nzwob@wolfsburg.de or ingeburg.schoss@stadt.wolfsburg.de.

    Tips and suggestions for nature-oriented front gardens, gardens or balconies are contained in the following leaflets:

  • Garden design
  • Wolfsburg is a Faitrade city - Join in.

    Wolfsburg is awarded the title again

    Last year, the city of Wolfsburg was once again awarded the title 'Fairtrade City' for two years by the non-profit association TransFair e. V.. The city of Wolfsburg has been proud of this title since June 8, 2010. In order to fill the project Fairtrade City with life, actions are continuously designed to support Fair Trade.

    For the title renewal, the city of Wolfsburg had to prove that it continues to meet all five criteria of the Fairtrade Towns campaign. These include support for fair trade being set out in a council resolution, a steering group coordinating the activities, fair trade products being offered in stores and restaurants, schools, clubs and churches carrying out educational work on fair trade, and active public relations work.

    Mayor Dennis Weilmann is delighted with the award: "As a municipality, we have a role model function and want to set a good example in many areas of life. The Fairtrade Cities project shows that with commitment, a change for the better is possible and that everyone can make a difference. I am proud that Wolfsburg belongs to the international network of Fairtrade Cities and in this context I would like to thank all those involved, especially the volunteers."

    Wolfsburg is one of over 800 Fairtrade cities in Germany. The global network of Fairtrade Cities comprises over 2,000 Fairtrade Cities in 36 countries, including the United Kingdom, Sweden and Brazil. Fairtrade cities promote fair trade at the municipal level and are the result of a successful network of actors from civil society, politics and business who work together to promote fair trade locally.

    Agenda 21 Forum "North-South Cooperation

    The Fairtrade City project in Wolfsburg is coordinated by the Agenda 21 forum "North-South Cooperation". The Agenda 21 forum is made up of volunteer citizens, representatives of the world store, church congregations, schools, the city administration, Kindernothilfe and other institutions. The working group meets about every two months and is open to everyone. Are you interested in participating? You are cordially invited.

    Dates and further information - also about the project "Fairtrade City" - at the Agenda 21 office of the city of Wolfsburg, Mrs. Schoß, Tel: 05361-28 25 13

    Wolfsburg is a Fairtrade City: This is how you can join in:

    • Small steps are crucial.
    • Look for the Fairtrade seal when shopping.
    • Store in world stores (e.g. Weltladen Pueblo, Porschestraße 84, or Eine-Welt-Laden St. Michael Vorsfelde).
    • When visiting restaurants, ask specifically for Fairtrade products or select Fairtrade products.
    • Raise the issue of fair trade in your own environment.
    • Inquire about the origin of the products.
    • Attend current events on fair trade topics.

    Fair trade has the effect of improving the lives of people and families involved in production in developing and emerging countries. Fair trade standards include, for example, long-term and transparent trading relationships, minimum prices, environmentally friendly cultivation methods, opportunities for advance financing and the prohibition of exploitative child labor. Think globally- act locally - supporting fair trade is a good way to put this Agenda 21 motto into practice.

  • More hedges and barn owls

    In recent decades, nature has been increasingly pushed out of the Eine Eule
    out of the field. Hedges, copses, flower strips or water bodies between the fields are rare. In addition, the barn owl is considered an endangered species.

  • Amphibian and orchid conservation

    Worldwide, including in Wolfsburg, the existence of amphibians is threatened and the Ein Laubfrosch; Foto: by Sassi / pixelio.de
    threatened and affected by species extinction. The causes lie mainly in the impairment and destruction of their habitats and in the change of environmental conditions.

    by Sassi / pixelio.de

  • Create meadow areas

    The habitats of many animal and plant species in the Wolfsburg Eine Wiesenfläche
    area are endangered, partly destroyed and constricted.
    Suitable areas are to be converted into flower-rich and insect-friendly meadows.

  • Little climate protectors active

    One hundred daycare children participated in the campaign in 2022

    A total of 100 children - 75 from the DRK daycare center Fallersleben Ost and 25 from the Bären group of the Bonhoeffer daycare center - were part of the Europe-wide Children's Miles campaign Little Climate Protectors on the Move in 2022. For one week, the girls and boys collected Green Footprints for every journey they made on foot, by bike or by public transport. Other environmentally friendly actions were also counted. In this way, Wolfsburg's youngsters collected a total of 1,161 children's miles. "That's a great result," said Gisela Lampe, head of department at the city's environmental office, praising the children's commitment to climate protection. In recognition, both institutions receive certificates and vouchers from the city of Wolfsburg.

    The children at the Fallersleben daycare center have been working intensively on the topics of waste avoidance, resource conservation, climate-neutral mobility and nutrition. "The children were particularly struck by how much plastic can be found everywhere in everyday life and now, among other things, have a special eye for when someone leaves the faucet running for too long or leaves the lights on without needing to," reports Bettina Deubig, director of the DRK daycare center. "The children were also taught many important aspects on the subject of sustainability."

    "The bear children also had a lot of fun during the action week and beyond, sticking a Green Mile sticker in the children's Mile collection album," explains Christina Noussi, an educator at the Bonhoeffer daycare center. "Every day, they told us whether they biked, walked or drove their way to kindergarten." "Parents were also involved," emphasize kindergarten teachers Chantal Nießen and Michelle Schütze from the Bonhoeffer daycare center. "This topic will continue to accompany us throughout the kindergarten year because it is easy to carry out," explains Christina Noussi.

    For both daycare centers, it is already clear that they will participate in the campaign again in 2023. Kindermeilen is a campaign of the Climate Alliance network of cities. This year, 236,281 children from eight European countries took part. Together they collected 3,019,901 Green Miles for climate protection. The results of the campaign were presented to the head of the UN Climate Secretariat, Simon Stiell, at the UN Climate Change Conference in Egypt. This was in recognition of the children's commitment, including that of the participants from Wolfsburg.

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