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Economy & Digital

Lower Saxony Immediate Action Program
"Perspective Inner City!"

Downtown development

Promotion logo of the perspective city center

In September 2021, the city of Wolfsburg received a commitment for a budget of 1.8 million euros fromLower Saxony's immediate action program "Perspective Inner City! With this funding program, the state of Lower Saxony supports cities and municipalities, financed by REACT-EU funds as part of the Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in dealing with the consequences of the pandemic in the inner cities. The possibilities offered by the emergency program "Perspective Inner City!" make a significant contribution to this in the formulation of the inner city development concept, in order to jointly design a future-proof, revitalized and frequented inner city.

With the commission to prepare a development concept for the city center, the council launched a trend-setting basis in the spring of 2021 and commissioned WMG to take the lead. In this role, WMG has also assumed central coordination for the "Perspektive Innenstadt!" immediate action program.

For the implementation of this funding, WMG and the city administration have now jointly developed 13 projects and presented them to the political bodies in December 2021.

  • Contact

    Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH (WMG)
    Porschestrasse 26 - 30
    38440 Wolfsburg

    Telephone: 05361 89994 0
    E-mail to WMG

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