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Education, culture & Sports


In today's world, the compatibility of family and career is the basis for a city's future. Wolfsburg recognized care and early childhood education years ago as the important core issue for Germany's most dynamic economic region.

Wolfsburg families have the choice between equivalent childcare options:

In the crèche, in (multi-age) kindergarten groups or in the family nest and extended family nest, the child day care in Wolfsburg - all four concepts are of a high quality of care, all four have their own concepts in which pedagogical focuses are worked out.

Wolfsburg's outstanding educational standard is made up of many building blocks - three specialists per crèche group and cross-age kindergarten group, flexible solutions in family nests, the continuous training and further education of specialists and an intensive program for bonding and supporting childminders. Wolfsburg is positioning itself - for the future of our children!

An overview of institutional childcare places and information on the allocation of childcare places in Wolfsburg can be found here


Two new laws - the "Gute-KiTa-Gesetz" and the "Starke-Familien-Gesetz" - aim to provide financial relief for families with low and medium incomes. The City of Wolfsburg would like to inform you about the possible positive consequences of these laws for your families.

For the time being, the opening hours of the childcare department will be restricted. This affects the acceptance of applications for parental contributions, support in day care and parental allowance. The changed opening hours are as follows

Tuesday and Thursday: 08:30 to 15:30

Frequently asked questions about childcare

  • Who is the right contact person for initial questions about childcare?

    Individual advice on all childcare options for all children from 0 to 13 years of age is available from Familienservice Wolfsburg e.V., Porschestraße 76, 38440 Wolfsburg.

    Call 05361 896969-0 to discuss your questions or to arrange a personal consultation appointment.

  • How, where and when do I register my child?

    You can pre-register for a childcare place for your child aged 0 to 6 years conveniently online on the Wolles Welt portal at

    On Wolles Welt you can get an overview of all childcare facilities (crèches, kindergartens, family nests and large family nests) in the city of Wolfsburg at any time and search specifically for a suitable childcare place for you. The facilities and family nests present themselves through their own profile with contact details, informative texts on the various offers and the educational approach.

    On request, the facilities and family nests offer personal discussions or group appointments in which the facility is shown and the special features of the concept are explained.

    You can also pre-register online in Wolles Welt for childcare during off-peak hours for children aged 0 to 13 years.

  • What criteria are used to allocate the childcare places?

    The allocation of childcare places is carried out decentrally by the respective daycare center managers in accordance with the allocation criteria, taking into account the parents' wishes. These are derived from the legal requirements of Social Code VIII.

    The criteria are special hardship cases, single parent and employed, studying or in training, both legal guardians are employed, studying or in training, legal guardians are in an educational measure or in an integration course, sibling(s) in the facility as well as the corresponding priorities of the parents. Other award criteria specific to the provider can supplement this regulation on a subordinate basis.

    In addition to the expressed wishes of the parents, the legal guidelines regarding the group constellation in particular play a decisive role. Within these legal framework guidelines, various criteria must be observed in favor of a balanced group structure. Among other things, the gender ratio and the age structure of the individual groups should be taken into account here.

  • How much does childcare cost in Wolfsburg?

    Crèche and kindergarten:

    The Wolfsburg City Council has drawn up a socially differentiated table of parental contributions for daycare centers in Wolfsburg. This table was adopted by all independent providers of daycare centers in Wolfsburg for the determination of the parental contribution.

    Family nests and extended family nests:

    Family nests and extended family nests:

    The Wolfsburg City Council has also established a socially graduated table of parental contributions for daycare.

  • Where can I get the forms for calculating parental contributions?

    The required forms (information on parental contribution, application for reduction and parental contribution table) are available at the respective facility after signing a childcare contract.

  • Where do I sign up for my child's lunch and how much does it cost?

    The kindergarten management must be notified if the child wishes to take part in the lunch program. In principle, the full meal rate must be paid for the meal. The amount may vary from institution to institution.

    A reduction in the cost of meals is possible for Wolfsburg families who receive social benefits. As a rule, they receive a voucher for education and participation (BuT voucher) from the social welfare agency. This voucher must be submitted to the respective daycare provider in order for the cost of meals to be reduced to 0.00 euros.

  • Daycare centers or daycare place despite residence outside Wolfsburg?

    Crèche places are only allocated to children from Wolfsburg.

    In the case of daycare places, a claim is possible despite residence outside Wolfsburg, but a decision is made on a case-by-case basis by the municipality of residence after submission of a cost absorption declaration.

  • Can I get a place in a daycare center or daycare center even if I live outside Wolfsburg? How high is the parental contribution for children who do not come from Wolfsburg?

    At present, no children from outside the municipality are admitted to daycare centers in Wolfsburg, as Wolfsburg children have priority entitlement to a childcare place. If you move away from Wolfsburg and already have childcare in a Wolfsburg daycare center, a declaration of assumption of costs from the home municipality is a prerequisite for further care.

  • When is there a recalculation of the parental contribution?

    A recalculation is made in the event of changes in income and family circumstances. The Youth Division must be notified immediately of any changes.

    There is no recalculation in the event of a change in tax class.

  • What can you do if you don't get a place in a daycare center?

    Another care option in addition to care in the facility is the family nests (child day care) of the city of Wolfsburg. Here, children are cared for in small groups (up to a maximum of 5 children) by trained, certified and dedicated childminders in their homes. The care in the Family Nests of the City of Wolfsburg is sponsored by the Youth Division.

    More detailed information on childcare, placement and funding is available from Familienservice Wolfsburg e.V.

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