The demands on pedagogical professionals are increasing and becoming more and more complex: Supporting language education, designing inclusive educational processes, and networking the institution in the educational landscape require knowledge and skills that were not usually acquired in the course of training at a technical college or university. In order to further develop professional, personal, methodological and social skills as a basis for professional action, continuous further training is required.
Continuing education and training offers as well as various qualification opportunities not only ensure the quality of our educational institutions, they also ensure the job satisfaction of all employees working here.
As an educational specialist, you will find a range of consulting, continuing education and qualification opportunities here.
Kita qualification program
The VHS Wolfsburg coordinates the qualification program for pedagogical professionals in Wolfsburg's daycare centers on behalf of the city. The content and further development of the training programs is carried out in close cooperation with the daycare center development team (formerly Kita-Fachberatung) of the city of Wolfsburg, so that practical relevance and a focus on needs are guaranteed.
The VHS Wolfsburg collects, analyzes, and develops the content of the topics specified by the city, as well as the impulses and suggestions of the daycare center operators and managers, and compiles them into a joint continuing education program in cooperation with other providers. For this purpose, the VHS Wolfsburg publishes this program brochure.
In addition to the joint annual program, the program brochure contains an updated imprint that provides information about the cooperation partners and contact persons in the respective institutions as well as relevant programs and projects.
The continuing education program contains different formats of qualification offers for pedagogical professionals, institutions and teams: seminars, courses, lectures, in-house trainings, team trainings, study days, etcetera.
The following topics are a particular focus of further training planning
- Basics of pedagogical work with children from under three to three years and
- Basics of pedagogical work with children from three to six years,
- Methodological competence,
- attitude,
- Observation and documentation,
- Cooperation with parents, schools, other partners and institutions,
- Education and development field body, senses, thinking, feeling and compassion, sense, values and religion,
- Language education and promotion,
- Multilingualism,
- inclusion.
The advanced trainings are designed and continued on the basis of professional practice, process and person orientation. Special emphasis is placed on teaching appreciation, mutual respect, participation, sensitivity to divergent lifestyles and interculturality, and inclusive thinking.
In addition to the program brochure "Weiterbildungen für pädagogische Fachkräfte in Wolfsburg," which is published at the beginning of the daycare year in the summer, a flyer is published once a year at the beginning of the year in the form of a leporello, which presents the current offerings of all Wolfsburg continuing education providers.
Support concept language education
The "Language Education Support Concept" offers Wolfsburg daycare centers the opportunity to anchor language education and support even more strongly as a fundamental task of the entire team in the daycare center's daily routine and to establish it as an overarching cross-sectional task in interaction with current projects. The project is intended to help the facilities deepen their profile with a focus on language education and promotion. The funding is intended to enable the facilities to consciously integrate targeted language work into the day-to-day life of the daycare center in order to be able to continue it in the facility after the end of the project period.
The main goal is to enable all daycare professionals to understand language as a key competence for education in the long term and to apply language education integrated into everyday life as a consistent principle of pedagogical work. The aim is to provide strength- and interest-oriented language education and support for the children.
With the everyday integrated approach, the "Support Concept for Language Education" responds to the needs of the Wolfsburg facilities as a team training.
This support includes the participation of the entire daycare team in the Heidelberg Interaction Training (HIT) in the first year and the process support of the teams over a period of another two years per daycare center by so-called "language education facilitators". The selection of suitable language training facilitators takes place in consultation with the language training coordination of the city of Wolfsburg.
Consulting services for socio-educational professionals
We see ourselves as your companions and would like to strengthen your pedagogical skills. In doing so, it is important for us to approach you with an attitude of appreciation and acceptance.
Our goal in consulting is to make you aware of your respective strengths and resources and to accompany the process of implementation in practice.
AK: Media education in daycare centers and elementary schools
The topic of media is becoming increasingly important - in education as well. How can digital media be integrated into everyday daycare and school lessons? The working group "Media Education in Daycare Centers and Elementary Schools" offers educators and teachers the opportunity for an open exchange on the topic of media education.
Participants can share their experiences and gather new ideas. Topic-related training courses, apps and more are presented and can be tested.
Individual wishes can also be discussed.
Advice and support for schools and study seminars in Lower Saxony
The Lower Saxony State Education Authority sees itself as your service provider. It offers you, the Lower Saxony public schools, recognized alternative schools and study seminars, advice and support in many areas.
Via the online portal, we offer you comprehensive information about the advisory services. Use the online inquiry to contact the counseling and support services. Select the counseling offer that meets your needs from the wide range of offers.
Since 2004, "klicksafe" has been implementing the EU Commission's mandate in Germany to teach Internet users how to use the Internet and new media competently and critically. Learn more about the joint project of the State Media and Communications Authority of Rhineland-Palatinate (project coordination) and the State Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia here.
City of Wolfsburg
Youth Division
Division Management
Pestalozziallee 1a
38440 WolfsburgPhone: 05361 28-1679
E-mail to the Youth Division