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Education, culture & Sports

Contacts education

Child Day Care

Overview of contacts and responsibilities

(Click on the topic)

Training at the City of Wolfsburg

Advice and assistance

Vocational orientation


Parents' school

Adult education


Vacation care

Voluntary ecological year

Voluntary social year

Early aids

Information technology




Child day care

Culture, leisure and sports


Media education

School transportation

School counseling

Schools in Wolfsburg

School social work

School catering

Language education and promotion

City Parents' Council

City student council


Second Chance Education

City of Wolfsburg

Child day care

Application acceptance and information

Pestalozziallee 1a, 38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-2824

Fax: 05361 28-1798


Family Service Wolfsburg e.V.

Individual advice on all childcare options for children from 0 to 13 years of age

76 Porschestrasse, 38440 Wolfsburg, Germany

Phone: 05361 896969-0

Advice and assistance
City of Wolfsburg

Department of counseling, parent-child counseling on site

Mrs. Brohmann

Telephone 05361 28-1573

Mrs. Kieß-Backhaus

Phone 05361 28-2862

Schillerstraße 4, 38440 Wolfsburg

City of Wolfsburg

Educational counseling center

Braunschweiger Street 12,38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-1161

E-mail: Educational counseling center City of Wolfsburg

Parenting school
Wolfsburg Hospital

Birth preparation and the first year of life with the baby

Nele Liebrich

phone: 05361 - 80 1055

E-mail: elternschule@klinikum.wolfsburg.de

Sauberbruchstraße 7, 38440 Wolfsburg, Germany

Early help
City of Wolfsburg

Youth Division, Prevention Department, Early Intervention Coordination

Birte Neitzel

Seilerstraße 3, 38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-1479

E-mail birte.neitzel@stadt.wolfsburg.de

City of Wolfsburg

Youth Division,

Maintenance/guardianship department

Seilerstraße 3, 38440 Wolfsburg

Phone 05361 28-2400

E-mail: teamunterhalt@stadt.wolfsburg.de

City of Wolfsburg

Family Coordination Office

Pestalozziallee 1A

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 5361 28-1234

E-mail: familie@stadt.wolfsburg.de

City of Wolfsburg

Integration Department

Mrs. Buglisi

Porschestrasse 49, 38440 Wolfsburg

Phone 05361 28-2672

E-mail integrationsreferat@stadt.wolfsburg.de

City of Wolfsburg

Integration Department

Mrs. Buglisi

Porschestraße 49, 38440 Wolfsburg

Phone 05361 28-2672

E-mail integrationsreferat@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Language education and promotion
City of Wolfsburg

VHS: Language

Mrs. Dr. Maren Risch

Phone: 05361 89 0208-21

E-mail: maren.risch@bildungshaus-wolfsburg.de

Culture, Recreation and Sports
City of Wolfsburg

Department of Culture


Alvar Aalto House of Culture

Porschestrasse 51

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-1575

E-mail: kulturinfo@stadt.wolfsburg.de

City of Wolfsburg

VHS: Art and Culture

Mrs. Miriam Heine

Phone: 05361 89 0208-20


Music school of the city of Wolfsburg

Individual qualified music lessons

Goethestrasse 10a

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 2972-0

E-mail: musikschule@stadt.wolfsburg.de

City of Wolfsburg

Sports Division

Rothenfelder Street 14

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-2123

E-mail: sekretariat.sport@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Schools in Wolfsburg
City of Wolfsburg

School division

Mrs. Blohm, Mr. Andacht

Head of division

Porschestrasse 49

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-2883

E-mail: sekretariat.schule@stadt.wolfsburg.de

School counseling
City of Wolfsburg

School division

Porschestraße 74, 3rd upper floor

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-1129

E-mail: Schullandschaft@stadt.wolfsburg.de

School Social Work
City of Wolfsburg

School and Career Department

Yannick Klaffehn

Goethestrasse 48

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone : 05361 28-2466

E-mail: yannick.klaffehn@stadt.wolfsburg.de

City of Wolfsburg

School division

Porschestraße 74, 3rd upper floor

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-1696

E-mail: Einschulung@stadt.wolfsburg.de

School transportation
City of Wolfsburg

School Division

School Transportation Team

Porschestrasse 74, 3rd floor

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone 05361 28-2317 and 05361 28-1647

E-mail: schulbefoerderung@stadt.wolfsburg.de

School Catering
City of Wolfsburg

School division

Porschestraße 74, 3rd upper floor

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-2442

E-mail: schulverpflegung@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Vacation care
City of Wolfsburg

Youth Division

Steffen Kirsch

Seilerstraße 3

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-2518

E-mail: steffen.kirsch@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Student councils
City student council

Current composition of the city student council for

the school years 2020/21 - 2021/22:

- 1st speaker: Vito Brullo

- 2nd speaker: Tanaka Zveushe

- Assessors: Jana Bagemihl, Mareike Blüthner,

Oliver Kraszewski, Dorent Berisha

Voting members in the school committee:

- 1st member: Valentina Canu

- 2nd member: Henriette Jochens

Phone: 05361 8518-165

E-mail: info@ssr-wolfsburg.de

City Parents' Council

Current composition of the city parents' council for

the school years 2018/19 - 2019/20:

- 1. chairperson: Alexander Paul

- Vice Chairperson: Tanja Wöhlecke

- Assessors: Tobias Karger, Gunnar Splitstesser,

Thomas Simon

E-mail: info@ster-wolfsburg.de

City of Wolfsburg

Media Center

Heinrich Nordhoff Comprehensive School

Suhler Street 1

38444 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 7738-44

E-mail: medienzentrum@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Media education
City of Wolfsburg

Media Education

Frauke Wegner

Phone 05361 7738-47

E-mail: frauke.wegner@stadt.wolfsburg.de

City of Wolfsburg

Inclusive (education) city

Education Office

Cordula Lüken

Schiller Street 6

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28- 1745

E-mail: cordula.lueken@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Vocational orientation
City of Wolfsburg

Education office

Schillerstrasse 6

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28- 2282

E-mail: bildungsbuero@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Training with the City of Wolfsburg
City of Wolfsburg

Personnel Department

Mrs. Reher

Division Manager

Phone: 05361 28- 2906

E-mail: annette.witke@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Voluntary social year
City of Wolfsburg

Youth Division

Mrs. Peters

Pestalozziallee 1a

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-2543

E-mail: vanessa.peters@stadt.wolfsburg.de

City of Wolfsburg

School division

Mrs. Rohde

Porschestrasse 49

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-2382

E-mail: julia.rohde@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Voluntary Ecological Year
NatureExplorationStation (NEST)

City of Wolfsburg

School division

Mrs. Rabassini

Porschestrasse 49

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28-2650

E-mail: cristiana.rabassini@stadt.wolfsburg.de

City of Wolfsburg

School division

Mr. Koch

Porschestrasse 49

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 28- 2223

E-mail: torsten.koch@stadt.wolfsburg.de

Second educational path
City of Wolfsburg

VHS, Customer Service

Phone: 05361 890208-40

E-mail: info@vhs-wolfsburg.de

Wolfsburg College

Danziger Str. 17

38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 36658

E-mail: wolfsburg-kolleg@wolfsburg.de

Adult Education
City of Wolfsburg

VHS, Customer Service

Phone: 05361 890208-40

E-mail: info@vhs-wolfsburg.de

Information Technology
City of Wolfsburg

IT Services Schools

Karsten Ostendorf

Seilerstraße 3, 38440 Wolfsburg

Phone: 05361 89 6060-10

E-mail: karsten.ostendorf@stadt.wolfsburg.de

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