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Replacement issue of registration certificate part II

  • General information

    After the expiry of the period of approx. 3 weeks, a new registration certificate Part II can be issued to you.

    If the previous registration certificate part II/vehicle registration document is still available and due to various circumstances (e.g. has become illegible or similar), a replacement can be issued without a bidding procedure.

    You can find more information on this under "Loss/theft of the registration certificate Part II - bidding up"

  • Requirements

    • The loss/theft has already been reported and the deadline for offering the vehicle has already expired
    • Presentation of the vehicle registration certificate/part I vehicle registration certificate.
    The presentation of the registration certificate part I/vehicle registration document is required for the creation of the new registration certificate part II/vehicle registration document, as this must be confiscated and also replaced.

  • Required documents

    • Identity card or passport with certificate of registration.
    • Proof of a valid main inspection according to § 29 StVZO. Main inspection report: Presentation of the test report on the last main inspection is only required if the due date for the next main inspection is not stated in the vehicle registration document or the registration certificate Part I.
    • Vehicle registration document / registration certificate Part I

    If necessary, the following is also required at the time of application

    by authorized person/representative*:
    • Power of attorney issued (see below for form) including personal document of the person issuing the power of attorney and of the authorized representative
    for companies (GmbH, AG, OHG, KG, UG haftungsbeschränkt, foreign legal form):
    • Current excerpt from the commercial register, current business registration, power of attorney of the managing director or authorized signatory or personal appearance of the managing director/authorized signatory and their identity card/passport.
    for associations:
    • Extract from the register of associations; identity card or passport and power of attorney of the appointed representative(s).
    for freelancers
    • Proof of membership in a chamber (e.g. medical association, chamber of notaries, veterinary association, etc.) or
    • Certificate from the tax office

    for companies under civil law:

    • Complete overview of the partners (as a rule, partnership agreement)
    • Power of attorney and declaration of the person to whom the registration is to be made (confirmed by signature of all partners) as well as the identity card/passport of the partner to whom the registration is to be made.
    For minors:
    • Consent of the legal guardian(s) (usually both parents) and designation of a representative for service of documents.

  • Fees

    Fees will be charged according to the Gebührenordnung für Maßnahmen im Straßenverkehr (GebOSt) from an amount of 15,50 Euro will be charged. The specific fee amount can only be determined on site based on the submission of the complete documents.

  • Legal basis
  • Contact

    Citizen Services
    City Hall B, Room 015

    Phone: 05361 28-1234
    Fax: 05361 28-2090

    Write an e-mail

    Please draw a waiting mark or use the online appointment system.

    You can also use this service in the administrative offices Fallersleben and Vorsfelde take advantage of this service.

  • Forms
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