General information
Bonfires in public areas and Easter bonfiresrequire permission from the Public Order Office,as fires and barbecues are not permitted in public areas outside of designated areas in accordance with Section 3 of the Public Safety Ordinance of the City of Wolfsburg.
Bonfires on private property do not require a permit unless they are accessible to everyone. Example: Campfires in the kindergarten due to the St. Martin's procession or similar require permission.
Required documents
Written notification of place, date, time and occasion
10,00 Euro
If possible, please request at least 2 weeks in advance.
Special features
Only untreated, dried logs may be burned.
Campfire permit: City Hall B, Room 013
Tel.: 05361 28-1234
Fax: 05361 28-2090Complaints about smoke: City Hall B, Room 443