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Motor vehicle international registration certificate

  • General information

    An international registration certificate may be required if you wish to drive your vehicle, which is registered in the Federal Republic of Germany, temporarily outside Europe.

    It is recommended to ask the responsible foreign representative of the respective country whether an international registration certificate is required.

    The international registration certificate is only valid in conjunction with the registration certificate Part I and is valid for a maximum of one year.

  • Required documents

    • Identity card or passport with registration certificate
    • Registration certificate part I/ vehicle registration document

    If applicable, the following is also required at the time of application

    • by proxy / representative:
    Power of attorney issued (see below for form) including personal document of the person issuing the power of attorney and of the authorized person

    • for companies (GmbH, AG, OHG, KG, UG haftungsbeschränkt, foreign legal form):
    Current excerpt from the commercial register, current business registration, power of attorney of the managing director or authorized signatory or personal appearance of the managing director/authorized signatory and their identity card/passport.
    • for associations:
    Extract from the register of associations; identity card or passport and power of attorney of the appointed representative(s).
    • for civil law companies:
    Complete overview of the shareholders (usually shareholders' agreement).
    Power of attorney and declaration of the person to whom the admission is to be made (confirmed by signature of all shareholders) as well as the identity card / passport of the shareholder to whom the admission is to be made.
    • For minors:
    Consent of the legal guardian(s) (as a rule, both parents) and designation of a representative for service of documents

  • Fees

    Fees will be charged according to the Gebührenordnung für Maßnahmen im Straßenverkehr (GebOSt) in the amount of 10.20 EUR.

  • Legal basis
  • Contact

    Citizen Services
    City Hall B, Room 015

    Phone: 05361 28-1234
    Fax: 05361 28-2090

    Send e-mail

  • Forms
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