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Child passport

  • General information
    The city of Wolfsburg informs - Child passport abolished

    On 12.10.2023, the legislator decided to abolish the children's passport (KRP) on 01.01.2024. KRP were only issued until 31.12.2023 The validity of already issued children's passports remains unaffected.

    The abolition will avoid the enormous effort required by parents and the administration to regularly reapply for or renew a child's passport every year.

    Children of all ages need their own identity document when traveling. An identity card is sufficient for travel within the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein as well as for travel to Turkey. The travel and security information on the website of the Federal Foreign Office provides information on the required travel document. For travel outside the EU, a passport is generally required for the child.
    Information from the city of Wolfsburg on the abolition of the children's passport
  • Responsible office

    Citizen Services

    Town Hall B, Room 015

    Phone: 05361 28-1234

    Fax: 05361 28-2090

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