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Certificate of life

  • General information

    The life certificate is required by the pension insurance company as proof that a pension recipient is still alive. This can be German pension insurance companies - but usually it is pension insurance companies from abroad. The pension insurance companies from abroad often send a form to the pension recipient, which the pension recipient fills out and signs at the citizen services. The civil service confirms the information and that the person has appeared in person.

  • Requirements

    The person must be registered as a resident of Wolfsburg.

    The person must be present in person. Powers of attorney for the issuance of a certificate of life will not be recognized, as this does not provide unequivocal proof that the person in question is still alive.

  • Required documents

    • Identity card or passport
    • If applicable, the letter from the foreign pension insurance company

  • Fees
  • Deadlines

    The certificate of life is issued immediately.

  • Responsible office

    Citizen Services

    City Hall B, Room 015

    Phone: 05361 28-1234

    Fax: 05361 28-2090

    Send e-mail

    The service is possible at the fast counter. It is not necessary to draw a waiting ticket.

    You can also use this service in administrative, local and district offices. offices.

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