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Loss / theft vehicle registration document old

  • General information

    The old vehicle registration must also be exchanged, old and new papers must not be mixed.

  • Requirements

    A declaration of loss and affidavit or theft report must be filed.

    The affidavit must be filed by the person who lost the vehicle registration document, and the holder must apply for replacement or issue a power of attorney.

  • Required documents

    • Registration certificate 2
    • valid HU-report (new cars up to 3 years do not have HU-report)
    • Identity card of owner and, if necessary, loser, then power of attorney of the owner

  • Fees

    Replacement issue of a registration certificate part I (vehicle registration document) in case of loss

    10,90 €
    30,70 € for the affidavit
    5.10 € for the exchange of letters if you still have the "old" vehicle registration document

    Replacement issue of a registration certificate part II (vehicle title) in case of loss

    14,30 € for the summoning of the ZBII
    30,70 € for the affidavit of oath
    13,80 € for the issuance of a new ZBII

    Acceptance of an affidavit

    30,70 €

  • Special features

    If a vehicle registration document is held by a credit institution, it must be sent to the address of Citizens' Services.

    City of Wolfsburg

    Citizen Services
    Porschestr. 49
    38440 Wolfsburg

  • Responsible office

    Citizen Services

    City Hall B, Room 015

    Phone: 05361 28-1234

    Fax: 05361 28-2090

    Write an e-mail

    Please draw a waiting mark or use the online appointment reservation.

    You can also use this service at the administrative offices in Fallersleben and Vorsfelde .

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