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Health care proxy

With a health care proxy, a person authorizes another person to perform all or certain tasks for the principal in the event of an emergency situation. With a health care proxy, the authorized person becomes the representative in the will, i.e., he or she decides in place of the principal who is no longer capable of making decisions. For this reason, a health care proxy requires unconditional and unrestricted personal trust in the proxy and should not be granted lightly.

The certification of the health care proxy is 10.00 euros.

The consultation is free of charge.

Certifications are only possible by prior appointment! It is also recommended to make an appointment in advance for counseling sessions, which are possible on a daily basis.

By using this function, you agree that the data may also be transferred to third countries, outside the European Economic Area, without an adequate level of data protection (especially USA). It is possible that authorities may access the data without any legal remedy. You can revoke your consent at any time. Further information: Privacy policy