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Health & Social

Pediatric service

Our team is multi-professional and currently consists of two pediatricians, a specialist in another field, a social medical assistant, two medical assistants and a nurse.

The legal basis for our work is described in the Lower Saxony Public Health Service Act (NGöGD), the Lower Saxony School Act (NSchG) and the Infection Protection Act (IfSG).

The basis of our medical work is the socio-pediatric view of the child and its environment. We not only consider the child's physical health, but also their mental health and psychosocial aspects.

We work together with doctors in private practice, clinics, schools, childcare facilities, integration assistance, early help services, various institutions and associations from the broad spectrum of health promotion and administration.

Our tasks include

  • School entry examination
  • Expert opinions for children and young people
  • Expert opinions in the procedure for determining special educational needs
  • Speech therapy consultation
  • Examination of children and adolescents entering all schools
  • Initial examination of unaccompanied minor asylum seekers (UmA)
  • Assessments on benefit issues in accordance with the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
  • Vaccination advice within the framework of the Measles Protection Act
  • Participation in health promotion and health reporting
  • Advice for politicians and administration

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