Cooperation with the Friedrich-von-Schiller elementary school and special school
2022/23 Of growing and proliferating - we are in the garden!
The school year 22/23 ended with a big summer party at the Schiller School. To mark the occasion, the children rediscovered their long-forgotten school garden with the help of the creative workshops. Over the previous months, they created plants, trees, animals and stories that brought the garden back to life. See for yourself!
The discovery of the school garden started the idea for the annual theme. At the end of the school year, this will experience a renaissance with the artworks created!
2019/20 Art can sound - pictures are more than paint on canvas
During the 2019/20 school year, paintings on canvas were created that can make sounds. Corona brought the project to a halt. All completed works can be seen here.
2018/1920 Into the Blue - Traveling to a Fantastic World
Within four weeks each, the students worked in groups to develop fantastic countries with special qualities and characteristics. In the process, the children worked both in drawing and in the form of large-scale model construction. This resulted in new worlds with exciting names such as "Schwebeland", "Fantasie-Car-Friend-Land", "Elektro-Paradies-Land" or "Land der Legenden". The year's theme also had an impact on German lessons, as the children told stories in their imagined setting.
On June 26, 2019, the school had a big exhibition party. On the bright blue soccer field, the individual classes set up their countries as a walk-through world map and all the
visitors could literally take a trip into the blue that afternoon. More than 400 people were amazed by the POP-UP exhibition.
wandered through.Introductory film to the long-term project "Into the Blue
Drone flight over the exhibition