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Chimes during the Advent season

Christmas sounds ring out across the town hall square

The carillon has been playing festive melodies again since Sunday, December 1. Visitors to the town hall can enjoy the Christmas carols until December 27 at 8 pm.

The melodies were selected back in 1956 as part of a competition. The first prize was awarded to Louis Kummer, who suggested three of the five melodies at the time and also submitted extensive explanations of them.

The program:

08:00 a.m.: Open wide the door
10:00 a.m.: The snow trickles softly
11:00 a.m.: Sweeter the bells never ring
12:00: Merry Christmas everywhere
13:00: Come ye shepherds
14:00: Born in Bethlehem
3:00 p.m.: O thou merry one
16:00: Daughter of Zion, rejoice
6:00 p.m.: Open wide the door
20:00: Silent night, holy night

The carillon:

Until 2001, the melodies were played from a perforated tape by an electro-mechanical control system, after which the old system was replaced by an electronic version. Since the last complete refurbishment in 2012, the songs have been stored electronically and their playback is processor-controlled.

The carillon was designed by Professor Erich Fritz Reuter from Berlin. It was delivered and installed in 1957 by the company Eduard Korfhage & Söhne from Melle. It comprises 24 bronze bells with a total weight of 3,000 kilograms. The largest bell weighs around 350 kilograms and the smallest still eight kilograms.

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