Parents' council elected
The new school year also marks the start of the new two-year election period for the Wolfsburg City Parents' Council (StER). Four representatives from the elementary school and three from the secondary schools were therefore elected at an election meeting to take part in the constituent meeting. The delegates from the other school types also took part in the constituent meeting on November 20. Together, the voting members elected the board for the next two years from their ranks.
Bettina Daft was re-elected as Chair of the City Parents' Council. Jessica Wirth was elected as her deputy. The new board is completed by the two assessors Sonja Brodt and Martin Fricke. Various offices are allocated from the committee, such as two voting members on the Wolfsburg City Schools and Education Committee.
In addition to the City Parents' Council, the City Pupils' Council was also constituted on October 28 for the 2024/25 and 2025/26 school years. Curtis Krehl was elected as the 1st spokesperson. A second spokesperson and four assessors complete the board of the City Pupils' Council.