Urban renewal in Wolfsburg
Redevelopment area "Handwerkerviertel"

The almost 22-hectare "Handwerkerviertel" in Wolfsburg's western city center is located directly on the urban east-west connection Heinrich-Nordhoff-Straße and the north-south axis and main shopping area on Porschestraße. The area is bordered to the east by Bahnhofstrasse and August-Horch-Passage, to the south by Kleiststrasse and to the west by Lessingstrasse.
As a mixed-use district, the Handwerkerviertel differs significantly from other areas of Wolfsburg. The city, founded in 1938 as the headquarters of the Volkswagen factory, was built according to the ideals of functional separation of modern urban development at the time. The craftsmen's quarter acts as an interface between the adjacent functions of working (VW plant in the north) and living ("Die Höfe" in the south).
In the district, changes in society as a whole are visible on a small-scale level. Once characterized by a dense coexistence of housing and crafts in the typical craftsmen's houses as well as restaurants and bars, educational and office buildings have been erected in recent decades. The two vocational schools and a university spread across several buildings in the area act as supra-regional attractions. In addition, the district is still home to a variety of residential, office and practice, retail and restaurant uses. With its functions of work, education, services and retail, the craftsmen's quarter complements the city center offerings.
By resolution of the Wolfsburg City Council on July 4, 2009, the Handwerkerviertel became a formally designated redevelopment area.
With the inclusion of the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area in the "Urban Redevelopment West" urban development program in 2015 - transferred to the new "Growth and Sustainable Renewal" program in 2020 - it was possible to secure financial support from the federal and state governments to provide significant impetus for upgrading the district.
News and dates
Exhibition duration: October 22 to November 15, 2024
Location: Town Hall A, Bürgerhalle, Porschestr. 49, Wolfsburg
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 06:30 to 19:00, Friday 06:30 to 15:00Opening of Robert Koch Square Part I
The redesign of Robert Koch Platz, which began in mid-2022, has been completed and was opened to the public on 23.01.2024. handed over to the public.
Mayor Dennis Weilmann, City Planning Councillor Kai- Uwe Hirschheide, representatives of Neuland, Ostfalia, politicians and the companies involved in the Ostfalia, politicians and the companies involved in the construction took part in the event.
The "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area, which has been designated since 2009, complements the area with its mix of uses and in particular its focus on education, with the vocational schools and Ostfalia, complements the offerings of the city center. city center. With the completion of Robert-Koch-Platz, one of the central redevelopment goals has been achieved, which is in in the immediate vicinity of the urban development area around the northern Porschestraße (Wolfsburg Connect, BraWo City).
In parallel with the redevelopment planning of recent years, the promise of redevelopment funding has also been realized in the Handwerkerviertel. the promise of redevelopment funding: where the public sector invests in the quality of urban life, private and other and other public clients follow suit.
Around Robert-Koch-Platz and beyond towards Schachtweg, Ostfalia in particular, as the building owner, has has played a major role in further developing and upgrading the study location in Wolfsburg. The redesign of Robert-Koch-Platz is an important building block for strengthening
Wolfsburg city center and on the way to Wolfsburg becoming a university city.Both for the almost two and a half thousand students currently still studying in Wolfsburg and for the residents of the surrounding neighborhoods in the western city center, especially of course the residents of the the craftsmen's quarter, Robert-Koch-Platz is to become a place where people can meet, spend time and have fun. and enjoyment.
Demarcation of the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area and redevelopment statutes
With the Council resolution of July 4, 2009 the "Handwerkerviertel" became a formally designated redevelopment area.
The redevelopment statutes on the formal designation of the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area in Official Gazette no. -__-0000-__- dated -__-0001-__-
Demarcation of the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area
Map: State Office for Geoinformation and Land Surveying of Lower SaxonyWith the inclusion of the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area in the "Urban Redevelopment West" urban development program in 2015 - transferred to the new "Growth and Sustainable Renewal" program in 2020 - it was possible to secure financial support from the federal and state governments to provide significant impetus for upgrading the district.
Fundamentals and publications
Before the first visible measures - such as the conversion of Poststrasse or the northern Schachtweg - could be implemented in the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area, a planning basis first had to be developed. In 2008/2009, preparatory studiesand publications had to be carried out to check whether the requirements for the designation of a redevelopment area were even met. In 2010, a framework plan was drawn up for the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area, which has now been updated between 2020 and 2022. The most important overarching planning principles for the "Handwerkerviertel" are presented in more detail below.
Preparatory studies "Handwerkerviertel" (2009)
Report on the results of preparatory studies
Craftsmen's Quarter 2009
Source: Gesellschaft für Stadtentwicklung mbH. 2009. In 2009, preparatory studies (VU) were completed for the Handwerkerviertel in accordance with Section 141 of the German Building Code. The aim of VU is to obtain assessment criteria that make it possible to decide on the need for redevelopment. To this end, the structural and urban development conditions and contexts as well as the general objectives to be pursued and the feasibility of the redevelopment were examined.
The report on the VU speaks of a cityscape in great need of upgrading. The urban development deficits and deficiencies formulated in 2009 include the lack of maintenance of buildings, the high degree of sealing, the traffic impairments and design deficits in the street space as well as the lack of street trees and public greenery. Functional deficits include the side effects of a classic station district, such as gambling, drug-related crime and residential prostitution, as well as functional shortcomings in the commercial and gastronomic structure. The implementation of the redevelopment measure aims to gradually reduce these deficits.The VU for the craftsmen's quarter was completed in May 2009. As a result, the need for redevelopment of the district was confirmed, so that the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area was formally established. The corresponding redevelopment statutes came into force on 04.07.2009.
Integrated development concept for Wolfsburg's western city center (2010)
Report on the results of the integrated development concept
Western city center 2010
Source: Gesellschaft für Stadtentwicklung mbH. 2010. The upgrading and further development of the city center is a key objective of Wolfsburg's urban development. With the Porschestraße master plan, the subsequent conversion of the pedestrian zone and the current projects in the Nordkopf area, key areas of the city center are already being redesigned and sustainably developed.To ensure that Wolfsburg continues to live up to its function as a regional center in the future, Wolfsburg's city center should and must be considered and further developed beyond the current projects. For this reason, the Wolfsburg City Council decided on March 5, 2008 to draw up an Integrated Development Concept (IEK) for the "Western City Center Action Area".
An integrated development concept is a strategic concept for an urban area that defines an overall strategy and implementation goalsbased on an analysis of the current situation. This strategy can be broken down into several fields of action and must be underpinned by corresponding measures.
The aim of the city of Wolfsburg was to implement and update the development goals of the urban structure concept for the inner city at the neighborhood level of the western inner city. On the basis of the existing situation surveys and the participation of relevant stakeholders, an urban development model and the sectoral objectives and fields of action were developed. The results of the analysis, the target planning and the initial projects for the western inner city action area were presented to the City of Wolfsburg's Building and Planning Committee on August 19, 2010.
"Handwerkerviertel" urban development framework plan (2010, update 2022)
Update of the framework plan 2022
Source: complan Kommunalberatung. 2022 The framework plan is an informal planning instrument that shows the development potential of the craftsmen's quarter and presents perspectives for its future use. The framework plan serves as an assessment basis for approvals under redevelopment law in accordance with Section 144 BauGB (for more information, see drop-down menu "Approvals under redevelopment law"). In terms of its informative value, the framework plan lies between the land use plan and the development plan. The aim is to bridge the difference in scale between the two urban land-use plans and to facilitate the development of the development plan from the land-use plan and to define the redevelopment objectives for the craftsmen's quarter more specifically.Occasion and procedure
The ANP Kassel office was commissioned to draw up the master plan for the Handwerkerviertel in 2010. The framework plan was updated between 2019 and 2022 by complan Kommunalberatung GmbH. During the update, the results of the studies already carried out were reviewed and updated in some areas. The update was developed in a dialog-oriented process and in close consultation with the city of Wolfsburg and key stakeholders and should be seen as a supplement to the existing plans. Additional information was provided by contributions from residents, businesses, students and property owners as part of various participation formats. The update of the framework plan was adopted by Wolfsburg City Council on March 30, 2022 as a guideline for trade in the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area.
Spatial model and redevelopment goals
The urban development concept of the framework plan update is made up of the spatial model and the redevelopment objectives. The spatial model describes area characteristics that ascribe basic functions and types to individual areas. Various requirements for specific areas in the Handwerkerviertel can be derived from this.
The spatial model consists of the following five main areas of use:
- Urban living with commerce
- Area supply and services
- Open educational landscape
- University campus and young living
- North Head area
In addition, ten redevelopment goals are formulated in the urban development concept of the framework plan:
- Demonstrate identity - The craftsmen's quarter as a place to live, work, learn and provide services with its own profile
- Develop existing buildings - preserve the tradition of the craftsmen's houses and enable dynamic further development
- Designing open spaces - making paths, streets and squares safe, usable and attractive for everyone
- Strengthening the urban mix - promoting lively first floor zones and small-scale usage structures
- Living in the middle of it all - securing and creating permanent living space
- Learning in the district - showcasing and networking educational opportunities in the district Moving around the district in a sustainable way - enabling safe and environmentally friendly mobility for everyone
- Organizing parking - optimizing parking space management through innovative and space-efficient concepts and reducing space
- Climate-friendly planning - reducingthe effects of overheating and heavy rainfall events through local measures
- Working together - supporting civic engagement and expanding the networking of all stakeholders
Various measures are derived from the framework plan to achieve the renovation goals. These are at various stages of work and preparation. Between 2009 and 2020, numerous measures have already been implemented (e.g. conversion of Poststrasse 1. BA). Other measures are already being planned or implemented (e.g. demolition of the building at Seilerstraße 4), in preparation (e.g. model project for the craftsmen's house at Poststraße 42/44) or will only be implemented in the next few years (e.g. redesign of Schachtweg Süd). In addition, measures are listed that are being implemented without refurbishment funds (e.g. refurbishment of the former public order office).
Update of the framework plan: Measures in the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment areaSource: complan Kommunalberatung. 2022A profile was also drawn up for each measure, listing the shortcomings to be remedied and specifying the to be remedied and specifies the objectives, implementation period, costs and implementation status. The measuresprofiles of measures can also be found in the final report.
- Urban living with commerce
Preparatory studies "Handwerkerviertel" (2009)
Projects in the Handwerkerviertel redevelopment area
Over the past fifteen years, numerous projects have already been implemented, initiated and supported in the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area. Public investment in road renewal, educational buildings and the preparation and planning of further measures has had a stimulating effect and has resulted in several private renovation and new construction projects.
The completed and planned construction measures in the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area are shown on a map on the City of Wolfsburg's geoportal. -
Applications and approvals under redevelopment law
In order to ensure that the redevelopment objectives previously defined for the redevelopment area are achieved, certain projects and processes are subject to approval. The so-called redevelopment permit must be obtained in addition to any building permit that may be required.
The legal basis for this is the German Building Code (BauGB) - specifically sections 144 Projects and legal transactions requiring approval and 145 Approval.
What do I need a redevelopment permit for?
Owners must obtain approval under redevelopment law if , for example, they
- want to erect a building, intend to change the use of buildings ( e.g. conversion of an apartment into an office)
- want to carry out repairs and modernization measures on existing buildings that entail significant or substantial value-enhancing changes, but for which no building permit is required
- want to demolish a building, sell or divide their property or create or sell a heritable building right
- conclude a rental or lease agreement where the agreed term exceeds one year in the case of a fixed term, with an indefinite contract term and the notice period is longer than one year, or is limited to longer than one year in the case of a contract extension
- wish to register a building charge or divide or unite a property, or encumber a property with a land charge or mortgage.
This list is not exhaustive. It is therefore recommended that you contact the redevelopment authority (Mr. Malewicz, Tel: 05361 28-2987) before undertaking any measures or legal transactions.
Compensation amounts in the redevelopment area
Collection of compensation amounts
As a result of the investments made, the properties located in the redevelopment area increase in value. For this increase in value - and only for the redevelopment-related increases in land value - the city is legally obliged on the basis of the provisions of the German Building Code (BauGB) to levy a contribution from the property owners in the form of a so-called "equalization amount".
Changes in land values due to the economic situation are not taken into account when calculating the equalization amount. In particular, the building values and thus the investments made by the owners in and on the buildings are not taken into account!
The equalization amounts are not determined by the city, but by the Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Land Valuation Committee at the Lower Saxony State Office for Geoinformation and Land Surveying. The expert committee determines the corresponding standard land values and maps them in mostly zonal value appraisals for the individual redevelopment areas:
- On the one hand, this shows the land values that the properties have on the basis of the redevelopment objectives at the end of the redevelopment.
- The land values that the properties would have had if no redevelopment had been carried out are also shown.
In order to exclude the possibility of cyclical influences being included in the calculations described due to the long period of time over which the redevelopment was carried out, the values are determined in each case in relation to the same reporting date.
The following diagram illustrates the relationship:
Determination of the equalization amount:Chart for determining the equalization amountAccording to Section 154 BauGB, the compensation amount is to be paid by the owner, but not by the leaseholder or person entitled to leasehold development rights, nor by the tenant. In the case of leasehold properties, the heritable building right provider is responsible for the compensation amount. As the landowner, the city does not pay any compensation for schools, roads and green spaces.
Under current tenancy law, the equalization amount is not an apportionable cost.
In principle, the compensation amount must be paid after completion of the refurbishment; it is then levied by notice. However, it is also possible to pay the equalization amount early.
Further information on compensation amounts and their collection can be obtained from the "Redevelopment" team of the City of Wolfsburg
- Mr. Teigeler (28 - 1677, christian.teigeler@stadt.wolfsburg.de)
- Ms. Meyer (28 - 2605, anja.meyer@stadt.wolfsburg.de)
- Mrs. Peters (28 - 1674, katharina.peters@stadt.wolfsburg.de)
- Mrs. Alber (28 - 1897, irina.alber@stadt.wolfsburg.de)
The "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment advisory board
What is a redevelopment advisory board? What are its tasks?
Important local stakeholders are to be involved in the process of redeveloping the Handwerkerviertel. For this reason, a redevelopment advisory board was formed back in 2012. Since then, representatives of tradespeople and property owners have been regularly elected to this committee, as well as representatives from schools, the university, the housing industry, the local council and the urban planning and building consultancy department.
Diagram showing the composition of the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment advisory boardSource: City of Wolfsburg. 2020-
Explanation of the diagram
The diagram shows the composition of the redevelopment advisory board. This consists of:
- Three representatives of the local council/local mayor
- Three representatives of the tradespeople
- Three representatives of the owners
- One representative of the housing industry
- One representative of the vocational schools
One representative of the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences
One representative from the City of Wolfsburg's urban planning department
In total, the redevelopment council for the craftsmen's quarter consists of 13 members.
The composition of the redevelopment advisory board is intended to ensure that the different interests from the redevelopment area are also reflected in the redevelopment advisory board. The task of the redevelopment advisory board is to make recommendations on measures, plans and projects in the "Handwerkerviertel", which are to be discussed and decided on by the council and its committees. The committee also serves to pass on information, concerns and tips from the neighborhood to the administration. The Urban Planning and Building Consultancy division provides information on individual plans and specialist topics, as do other divisions of the administration as required. The meetings of the redevelopment advisory board are open to the public.
Participation opportunities
Would you like to be informed about further events and plans in the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area? Then you can here leave your e-mail address.
Note: By entering your e-mail address, you agree to receive further information on the redevelopment of the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area from the City of Wolfsburg or the commissioned redevelopment agency. Your e-mail address will not be passed on. -
Explanation of the diagram
Redevelopment management and redevelopment office
From left to right: Neighborhood architect Regina Jost, Benedikt Vos, Heike Pfeiffer Since January 2014, the redevelopment management team of S.T.E.R.N. - Gesellschaft der behutsamen Stadterneuerung mbH - from Berlin has been supporting the city of Wolfsburg in the redevelopment of the "Handwerkerviertel". The S.T.E.R.N. employees are working closely are working closely with local stakeholders and residents, which is also reflected in the good cooperation between the which is also reflected in the good cooperation with the redevelopment advisory board.
A redevelopment office has been set up for the neighborhood, where Mr. Vos is available as project manager for personal queries. is available for personal queries. As the district architect, Ms Jost advises the owners on the development, conversion or refurbishment of their properties. development, conversion or renovation of their property. Citizen and stakeholder participation is primarily organized by Mr. Vos and Ms. Pfeiffer. Vos and Ms Pfeiffer.The main tasks of the redevelopment management in the "Handwerkerviertel" include monitoring construction measures and supporting the city of Wolfsburg in the preparation of further renewal measures as part of the Sustainable Renewal funding programme, as well as public relations work and the organization and monitoring of the redevelopment advisory board meetings.
Redevelopment office Schachtweg 12
The city of Wolfsburg uses the redevelopment office at Schachtweg 12 primarily for events and consultations relating to the "Handwerkerviertel" and "Die Höfe" redevelopment areas.
The redevelopment office is open every Tuesday. You can reach us during office hours from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. We look forward to your visit!
The redevelopment management team will also be happy to provide you with information and advice on the "Handwerkerviertel" redevelopment area by telephone and e-mail. The office is under the telephone number 05361 28-1853 and under the e-mail address sanierung-handwerkerviertel@stadt.wolfsburg.de .
Contact persons:
City of Wolfsburg
Urban planning and building consultancy division
Porschestrasse 49
38440 WolfsburgTelephone: 05361 28-2165
E-mail: sekretariat.06@stadt.wolfsburg.deChristian Teigeler
Phone: 05361- 28 1677
E-Mail: christian.teigeler@stadt.wolfsburg.deAnja Meyer
Phone: 05361-28 2605
E-Mail: anja.meyer@stadt.wolfsburg.deKatharina Peters
Phone: 05361-28 1674
E-Mail: katharina.peters@stadt.wolfsburg.deIrina Alber
Phone: 05361-28 1897
E-mail: irina.alber@stadt.wolfsburg.deRedevelopment management:
Benedikt Vos,
S.T.E.R.N. GmbH
Phone: 030 - 44363650,
E-mail: vos.benedikt@stern-berlin.de