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Wolfsburg remains green

Wolfsburg remains one of the greenest cities in Germany.

"Wolfsburg is a green place to live" - an opinion shared not only by many residents of Wolfsburg. Statistically speaking, the numbers speak volumes. As a major city in Lower Saxony, our city leads the ranking of "city with the most green" with the highest proportion of recreational and forest areas per inhabitant.

The housing offensive will not change this top ratio in the coming years. Even if the 60 or so potential areas under discussion are implemented, the proportion of green space in the urban area will change only marginally.Forest areas are not affected by the planned development.

Agricultural land would decrease by 3.7% and recreational land by 3.1%. A small tribute in favor of the necessary creation of additional land for thousands of citizens*.

The city's Green Division is responsible for the maintenance of parks, street green spaces, playgrounds, cemeteries, outdoor facilities at schools and daycare centers, and other green spaces in the city, covering a total area of almost 1,006.50 hectares.

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