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Occupational health management

Protecting and promoting the health of employees is both a social obligation and an economic necessity for the City of Wolfsburg.

The City of Wolfsburg's health management system prevents impairments and illnesses, occupational accidents, occupational diseases and psychological stress.

It strengthens health potentials and the well-being of employees in the workplace.

The city administration has thus established an outstanding occupational health management system that ranks among the best in Germany. Occupational health management is integrated both structurally and strategically into the company's processes and promotes a company-wide culture of health.

Our employees benefit from comprehensive health services tailored precisely to their needs and their performance and motivation are sustainably strengthened.

ARGUS will be happy to answer any questions or suggestions you may have about health management at the City of Wolfsburg.

  • Occupational safety and health
    Rainer Sturm/

    Taking into account national and European laws and regulations, we ensure an ergonomic design of the workplace, its environment and the respective workflow processes.

    The basis for this is provided by the recording and evaluation of physical and mental stress components at the workplace.

  • Occupational Medicine
    Logo TÜV Rheinland

    We minimize the health risks to which employees may be exposed in the workplace through preventive occupational medicine.

    Occupational medical care in accordance with the Occupational Safety Act (ASiG) is provided at the City of Wolfsburg by TÜV Rheinland.

  • Health Promotion
    Rainer Sturm/

    Our workplace health promotion offers preventive health care in the workplace and is communicated in a practical way in the form of workshops, courses, counseling sessions and specific offers.

    All employees have free access to our internal AKTIV program, which covers topics such as exercise, relaxation and nutrition.

  • Support for the severely disabled
    S. Hofschlaeger/

    The integration and promotion of severely disabled people in the work process is an important concern for us.

    The integration agreement sets out the principles, objectives and regulations for the recruitment process and support measures for people with disabilities.

  • Company social counseling

    Our in-house social counseling service provides information and support in the event of problems at work and personal life crises. Individual solution options and coping strategies are developed together with those affected.

    The counseling is independent and subject to confidentiality.

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