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Politics & Administration

Online service for multidisciplinarians

A variety of interactive information platforms invite users to browse and participate

The City of Wolfsburg aims to provide a transparent insight into administrative activities by offering a wide range of information.

The online services are listed in alphabetical order. The links open in a new window in each case.

  • ALLRIS - The citizen information portal

    Since 2016, the city administration and the political committees of the city of Wolfsburg have been working with the Council Information System ALLRIS and thus enable a transparent and clear and clear insight into political events. The Council Information System and the Citizen Information Portal are available to interested citizens as well as to the employees of the administration for comprehensive information and research about the resolutions of the municipal committees.

    In addition, it offers the the possibility to retrieve their meeting documents simply via an app and can access them at any time via their mobile devices. access to them via their mobile device. In addition to the meeting calendar, in which the current meeting dates of the council of the council, the specialist committees, and the local councils the local councils, it is also possible to view the current agendas agendas and draft resolutions, as well as the minutes and minutes and the results of past meetings of the of past meetings of the municipal bodies. The meeting calendar from ALLRIS can easily be synchronized with your own calendar. own calendar. RSS feeds automatically inform about current meetings and newly set templates.

  • Participation platform "MeinWolfsburg

    The participation platform "MeinWolfsburg serves as a digital contact point for interested and committed Wolfsburg citizens, with a mix of information information and services on citizen participation, civic engagement, political engagement, political content and other topics.

  • Geoportal

    The Geoportal provides selected and current geoinformation and services from different areas of the administration. The metadata catalog offers the simple possibility to search for public geodata and geodata services of the city. search. Various search options can be used to search can be configured individually.

    The metadata catalog also informs about the rights of use of the searched data. If further information is required, corresponding contact addresses or further links are available.

  • Interactive Budgeting and Reporting (IKVS)

    The Interactive Budget The IKVS system offers the possibility of flexibly navigating through the budget levels of the budget - from the overall budget to the board areas and sub-budgets of the business units and departments to the product groups and the individual products. individual products - and to obtain the corresponding budget data and information. budget data and information.

    As a supplement, the intra-year reporting system (so-called management reports) is made available in a comparable form. form. The visual structure is uniform for each area, making it easy to find your way around. easy to find one's way around. In addition, various graphical evaluations are available. In addition, the development of the figures is displayed with various diagrams so that comparisons can be made with previous years, but also with the plans for the next few years is simple and clear. is displayed.

  • Online streaming of the council meetings

    Follow political events in Wolfsburg from the comfort of your from the comfort of your sofa? Thanks to our live broadcast of the council meetings is no longer a problem. You can even discuss the meeting with other users on Facebook.

  • Calendar of events

    Whether cinema, party or folk festival - at Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH (WMG), together with numerous partners, institutions and associations, provides information about all events in the Wolfsburg city area. With the filter function, everyone can find the right event according to interest, time or city/district. Organizers also have the option of registering their event to publish their event in the calendar free of charge with just a few clicks.

  • ElectionsWebApp

    Not an app in the classic sense, but a specially developed web application is the WahlenWebApp. With the help of an interactive map function and visually presented election statistics it provides an interesting overview of the electoral Wolfsburg's electoral events. Various filtering options generate a list of results in a matter of seconds city-, district-, party- or constituency-related evaluations in seconds.

  • Webcams

    Four webcams regularly provide live images from the city area.

    Would you like to view over the roofs of Wolfsburg? The webcam on the Nordkopf Tower provides a panoramic view.

    Other webcams show the construction activities in Hellwinkel, the sluice in Sülfeld or allow a view into the stork nest in Warmenau.

  • WOKS (Wolfsburg Online Municipal Statistics)

    The modern, barrier-free statistical information portal optimized for mobile devices WOKS provides a large number of tables, graphics and maps on various topics, such as population, labor market and economy, or social affairs and health in digital form.

By using this function, you agree that the data may also be transferred to third countries, outside the European Economic Area, without an adequate level of data protection (especially USA). It is possible that authorities may access the data without any legal remedy. You can revoke your consent at any time. Further information: Privacy policy