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Politics & Administration

Local election 2021

Dennis Weilmann is the new Lord Mayor

Dennis Weilmann (CDU) won the run-off election for the office of Lord Mayor of Wolfsburg. After the election committee has determined the official final result on 29.09.2021 and the winner has accepted the election, the 46-year-old will succeed the current mayor Klaus Mohrs, whose term of office will then end. Dennis Weilmann is currently Wolfsburg's First City Councillor and is responsible for areas including the economy, digitalization and culture.

According to the provisional official final result, Dennis Weilmann received 55.9 percent (32,376 votes). Iris Bothe (SPD) achieved 44.1 percent (25,527 votes).

A total of 96,430 eligible voters were called upon to cast their vote in Wolfsburg. 58,949 voters, or 61.1 percent, went to the polls this Sunday or had used the postal vote in advance.

Klaus Mohrs (69) is leaving office after around 41 years in public service, including almost ten years as Lord Mayor of Wolfsburg.

  • Official announcements
  • Facts and figures for the mayoral and local elections on Sunday, 12.09.2021 in Wolfsburg
  • Election notices

    Note: The following files are available for download here in *PDF format and will each open in a new window

    Official announcement on the determination of the results of the election of the Lord Mayor* on 12.09.2021

    Election notice for the elections of the council of the city of Wolfsburg and the 16 local councils on 12.09.2021

    Election notice for the elections of the Lord Mayor on 12.09.2021

    Official announcement - Direct election of the Lord Mayor of the City of Wolfsburg

    Official Notice - Election to the Council and Local Councils of the City of Wolfsburg on September 12, 2021

  • Constituency 51 Helmstedt - Wolfsburg / City Election Management
  • Election procedure

    Basic features of the Lower Saxony municipal election system can be found on the website of the State Election Commissioner:

    https://landeswahlleiterin.niedersachsen.de/wahlen/kommunalwahlen/grundzuege_kommunalwahlsystem/grundzuege-des-niedersaechsischen-kommunalwahlsystems-75339.html (opens in a new window)

  • Submission of election proposals

    for the Council of the City of Wolfsburg

    The submission of election proposals is based on the legal requirements of the Lower Saxony Municipal Election Act as well as the Lower Saxony Municipal Election Code and the Lower Saxony Municipal Constitution Act.

    https://landeswahlleiterin.niedersachsen.de/startseite/wahlen/kommunalwahl/kommunalwahl_2021/muster_der_vordrucke_2021/vordrucke-fur-die-aufstellung-und-einreichung-von-wahlvorschlagen-193246.html (opens in a new window)

    Please refer to the following changes for the candidate list:

    https://landeswahlleiterin.niedersachsen.de/startseite/wahlen/kommunalwahl/kommunalwahl_2021/kw_21_rechtsanderung_zur_bewerberaufstellung/kommunalwahl-2021-rechtsanderung-zur-bewerberaufstellung-197095.html (opens in a new window)

    For the preparation and submission of election proposals, the following forms are to be used, which comply with the legal requirements:

    Note: The following files are available for download here in *PDF format and each opens in a new window.

    Election proposals :

    • Annex 6 to Section 32 (2) sentence 2 NKWO - form for a signature of support with certification of the right to vote.
    • Annex 7 to § 32 para. 3 sentence 2 NKWO - separate certificate of the right to vote (to Annex 6)

    Election proposals for the election of the local councils:

    • Annex 6 to Section 32 (2) sentence 2 NKWO - form for a support signature with certification of the right to vote.
    • Annex 7 to § 32 para. 3 sentence 2 NKWO - separate certificate of the right to vote (to Annex 6)
    • .

    Election proposals for the election of the Lord Mayor:

    • Annex 6a to Section 32 (2) sentence 2 NKWO - form for a support signature with certification of the right to vote.
    • Annex 7 to § 32 para. 3 sentence 2 NKWO - separate certificate of the right to vote (to Annex 6a)
    • Annex 8 to Section 32 (5) sentence 1 no. 1 NKWO - Declaration of consent and affirmation in lieu of oath regarding the party membership of the candidate
    • Annex 9 to Section 32 (5) sentence 1 no. 2 NKWO - Declaration of consent and affirmation in lieu of oath (non-German nationals of an EU member state)
    • .

  • Explanatory videos for the local election

    Frequently asked questions about the local election

    Local elections: Who or what do you actually vote for?

    Local election: Ballots explained simply!

    Explanatory video for the local election

  • General information
    Robert Kneschke/ Fotolia.com

    Basic features of the Lower Saxony municipal election system

    In Lower Saxony, local councillors will be elected for a period of five years on 11.09.2016.

    • Who can vote?
    • Who can be elected?
    • Who can nominate candidates?
    • How do you get a nomination?
    • How are elections held?
    • How is the vote counted?
    • Where is the election held?
    • Who conducts the election?

  • The candidates and parties

    Current: Eleven nominations approved for the city council election

    eleven parties/voters' associations

    The City Election Committee, chaired by First City Councillor Werner Borcherding, has approved the following candidates for the Wolfsburg City Council election on Sunday, September 11:

    • SPD - Social Democratic Party of Germany
    • CDU - Christian Democratic Union of Germany in Lower Saxony
    • PUG - Party Politically Independent Community Wolfsburg e.V.
    • PIRATEN - Pirate Party of Lower Saxony
    • FDP - Free Democratic Party
    • AfD Lower Saxony - Alternative for Germany (AfD) Lower Saxony
    • Bündnis C - Alliance C - Christians for Germany - AUF&PBC Lower Saxony
    • DIE LINKE - DIE LINKE Lower Saxony
    • FAMILY - FAMILY PARTY OF GERMANY, Lower Saxony state association
    • Die PARTEI Niedersachsen - Party for Labor, Rule of Law, Animal Welfare, Promotion of Elites and Grassroots Democratic Initiative - State Association of Lower Saxony

    The following parties/voters' associations and one individual candidate are standing for election to the 16 local councils

    • SPD - Social Democratic Party of Germany
    • CDU - Christian Democratic Union of Germany in Lower Saxony
    • PUG - Party Politically Independent Community Wolfsburg e.V.
    • PIRATEN - Pirate Party of Lower Saxony
    • FDP - Free Democratic Party
    • Bündnis C - Alliance C - Christians for Germany - AUF&PBC Lower Saxony
    • DIE LINKE - DIE LINKE Lower Saxony
    • FAMILY - FAMILY PARTY OF GERMANY, Lower Saxony state association
    • Die PARTEI Niedersachsen - Party for Labor, Rule of Law, Animal Welfare, Promotion of Elites and Grassroots Democratic Initiative - State Association of Lower Saxony
    • B.G.W - Citizens.Community.Wendschott
    • Individual election proposal Hoffmann - Hoffmann, Jörg

    for the election to the Wolfsburg City Council and the 16 local councils on September 11, 2016 (*PDF - opens in a new window)Approved election proposals

  • Electoral areas/local councils

    Overview of the electoral district division

    For the local elections on September 11, the Wolfsburg city area will be divided into 5 electoral areas. This decision was taken by the city council at its February meeting.

    • Electoral area 1: Brackstedt, Kästorf, Neuhaus, Reislingen, Sandkamp, Velstove, Vorsfelde, Warmenau, Wendschott
    • Electoral area 2: Alt-Wolfsburg, Hellwinkel, Heßlingen, Köhlerberg, Kreuzheide, Rothenfelde, Schillerteich, Stadtmitte, Steimker Berg, Teichbreite, Tiergartenbreite
    • Electoral area 3: Barnstorf, Eichelkamp, Hageberg, Hehlingen, Hohenstein, Klieversberg, Laagberg, Nordsteimke, Rabenberg, Wohltberg
    • Electoral area 4: Fallersleben, Sülfeld, Westhagen
    • Electoral area 5: Almke, Detmerode, Ehmen, Hattorf, Heiligendorf, Mörse, Neindorf

  • Results of the last local elections 2011
  • Legal basis
  • How does the election work? How is the distribution of seats calculated?
    Program Factory/ Fotolia.com

    Council of the City of Wolfsburg

    The and a total of 16 local councillors are elected.

    This means that you receive two ballot papers at the election.

    On both ballot papers, up to three votes can be cast for the council election and three votes for the local council election (for the place in which the voter lives).

    It is up to the voter whether the three votes on the ballot paper are cast for just one party, one candidate or spread across several parties and candidates. The only important thing is that you do not cast more than three crosses.

    The polling stations close at 6 pm on election day . The counting of the votes cast then begins.

    The electoral boards first count the votes for Wolfsburg City Council and then the votes for the local council.

    There are a total of 46 seats up for grabs for Wolfsburg City Council.

    The first step is to calculate how many seats each party receives. The second step is to determine which candidate gets a seat on the council.

    The calculation method is called Hare-Niemeyer.

  • The State Election Commissioner
    Program Factory/ Fotolia.com

    The Lower Saxony Ministry of the Interior and Sport is responsible for electoral law in Lower Saxony. Together with the State Election Commissioner, it ensures compliance with the principles of electoral law, namely general, direct, free, equal and secret elections in all ballots.

    The Lower Saxony state electoral officer is Ulrike Sachs. You can find her contact details here (opens in a new window)

  • Frequently asked questions

    Who gets to vote?

    Germans and citizens from EU member states who have lived in Wolfsburg for at least 3 months and are at least 16 years old on election day are eligible to vote. Approximately 8,250 EU citizens and 5,100 first-time voters

    During which period is it possible to vote by absentee ballot?

    Absentee voting begins from 22.08.2016, when the election notifications have been sent out and the ballot papers have been printed. For this purpose, the absentee ballot office in City Hall A is available during the opening hours of the City Administration. Postal voting can be used until 13:00 on the Friday before the election, 09.09.2016. If a person entitled to vote declares in writing that due to a sudden illness he/she is unable to visit the polling room or can do so only with unreasonable difficulty, a ballot paper may still be applied for until 3:00 p.m. on the day of the election. The person collecting the ballot must present a signed absentee ballot application and a power of attorney.

    How many eligible voters are there in the city of Wolfsburg?

    Around 101,000 women and men are eligible to vote in Wolfsburg

    What are the requirements for eligible voters?

    You must be at least 16 years old, have German citizenship, and have lived in Wolfsburg for three months.

    How many election workers are needed?

    976 people will be on duty on election Sunday. In addition, another 80 or so people will be on duty (including communications, the IT department and the school janitor) to ensure that the elections run smoothly.

    When are the election notifications sent out?

    Handover to Deutsche Post on Friday, 05.08.
    Delivery expected from Monday, 15.08. - by 21.08. at the latest.
    Please note: the postal voting office will only open on Monday, 22.08. (only then will the ballots be available).

    What will be elected on 11.09.2016?

    The council of the city of Wolfsburg, as well as the local councils of the 16 localities

    Will there be another informational event on election night with a presentation of the election results?

    Yes, from 18:00 such an event will be held as usual in the civic hall in the town hall A

    • What was the voter turnout in the last local elections?

    In 2011 it was 49.4%, in 2006 46.1%.

    How many votes does each eligible voter have?

    Three votes for the council election and three votes for the local council election

    When are the polling stations open on September 11?

    From 8 to 18

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