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Politics & Administration

Indirect discharger

The discharge of wastewater into public wastewater systems (indirect discharge) requires the approval of the lower water authority, insofar as the wastewater ordinance specifies requirements for the place where the wastewater is produced or before it is mixed. This applies, for example, to wastewater from laundries and dry cleaners, wastewater containing amalgam from dental practices or wastewater containing mineral oil from car workshops and car washes.

The permit must be applied for in good time before the indirect discharge at the Lower Water Authority of the City of Wolfsburg.


For more information and if you have any questions, feel free to contact:

Ingeburg Schoß
Room B 430
Phone: 05361 28-2513

At the same time, an application for connection to the public sewer system must be submitted to Wolfsburger Entwässerungsbetriebe (WEB).

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