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Security and order

Noise, rest periods, keeping of animals, meetings

The rules applicable in Wolfsburg concerning public safety are summarized in the Public Safety Ordinance.

  • Noise
    One ear
    Photo: Rainer Sturm/

    Rest periods

    Especially in the summer months, neighborhoods are subject to unnecessary disturbances or nuisances caused by noise of various kinds. In order to ensure peaceful coexistence with the neighborhood, it is recommended that the quiet hours applicable in Wolfsburg - see below - be observed and complied with. According to Paragraph 8, Section 1 of the Ordinance on Public Safety of the City of Wolfsburg (see above), everyone must behave in such a way that others are not disturbed by noise more than is unavoidable under the circumstances. During these quiet hours, work involving loud noise is prohibited in accordance with Section 8 (3) of this Ordinance. In particular, this refers to the operation of motor-driven hand tools such as drills and grinders, saws, motor pumps and lawn mowers.

    These are regulated as follows (paragraph 8(2) of the Ordinance):

    Sundays and public holidays all day (Sunday rest).
    Working days (Monday to Saturday inclusive):
    13:00 - 15:00 (midday rest)
    19:00 - 22:00 (evening rest)
    22:00 - 07:00 (night rest)

  • Animal husbandry
  • Meetings
    Graphic of a crowd
    Photo: Stephanie Hofschlaeger/

    When do we speak of an open-air assembly or procession?

    In principle, one can follow the definition of the Federal Constitutional Court:

    "An assembly within the meaning of Article 8 (1) of the Basic Law exists in the case of a local gathering of several persons for a joint discussion or demonstration aimed at participating in the formation of public opinion."

    This definition should not deter you. If you want to exercise your fundamental right and take a stand on an issue in this way, for example, you can register an assembly/parade with or without a march with the City of Wolfsburg as the assembly authority.

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