Compulsory leash
During parades, festivals, events and after dark, dogs must be kept on a lead.
In Porschestraße and on Willy-Brandt-Platz, dogs must always be kept on a lead.

Dogs with a bite must always be kept on a lead by suitable persons in public and must wear a bite-proof muzzle. A person is deemed suitable within the meaning of the ordinance if they are physically able to control and restrain the animal at all times.
For the protection of children, it is forbidden to take animals with you, lead them or let them run on children's playgrounds and football pitches as well as publicly accessible schoolyards. This does not apply to guide dogs.
Dogs running free
Dogs must be kept in such a way that persons are not endangered or unreasonably harassed.
Dog owners and persons charged with the management or supervision of dogs are obliged to prevent the dog from running around unsupervised, jumping at or attacking persons or animals.
In the forests and copses (groups of trees and hedges) and additionally in a 50 m wide protective strip around the forest areas, copses and on both sides of hedges and waters in the districts of the independent city of Wolfsburg, dogs are to be kept on a leash in the period from December 1 to March 31 of the following year, unless they are used for authorized hunting or by the police as service dogs.
In the open countryside, every person is obliged to ensure that dogs under his supervision do not stray or poach and are kept on a leash in the period from April 1 to July 15 (general breeding, setting and rearing period) -__-0000-__-.
Dog excrement
According to the ordinance on public safety in the city of Wolfsburg, dog owners are obliged to prevent their dogs from soiling or damaging streets or sidewalks, pedestrian zones, paths in parks and green areas or traffic-calmed areas with dog excrement.
In the event of contamination, the dog owner or the person responsible for walking or supervising the dog is obliged to clean up immediately. This cleaning obligation takes precedence over that of residents.
More information
City of Wolfsburg
Citizen services
Public Order Office
Porschestrasse 49
38440 WolfsburgTelephone: 05361 28-1234