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Politics & Administration

Road traffic

Tasks of the road traffic authority

  • House numbering

    As the building owner, you will receive your future house number from us after you have been notified of the building permit or building notification.

  • School Route Safety

    Since 1981, a working group made up of representatives from the administration, the police and the city parents' council has been ensuring safe routes to school in the city of Wolfsburg. School route plans showing the recommended route to school have been drawn up for each elementary school.

  • Heavy transport
  • Special use

    You want to set up a container or display goods in the public street space?

    Then you need a special use permit.

    This is always required if you want to use public road and sidewalk areas not within the scope of the dedication purpose "road traffic".

    A special use permit is required for the following uses, among others:

    • Merchandise displays
    • Signs
    • Open spaces for outdoor catering
    • containers, scaffolding, storage areas and the like
    • Information stands
    • flyer distribution
    • Events

    Special design rules have been created for the area of Porschestraße. They are laid down in the design statutes for private furniture in the public street space, which you can download for further information.

    The design rules concern displays of goods, signs and open spaces for hospitality purposes.

  • Street cleaning and winter service

    We monitor compliance with the regulations on street cleaning and winter services in public traffic areas. Please refer to the street cleaning ordinance and statutes as well as the leaflets for the relevant regulations. According to these regulations, residents must clean the sidewalks and remove ice and snow. Whether this also applies to the roadway depends on the street in which you live.

  • Events

    Events for which roads are used more than is customary require permission. In particular, these are

    • motor sport events
    • bicycle races, public runs, public marches
    • parades at folk festivals and the like

  • Traffic regulations and exemptions

    In order to regulate road traffic issues, we issue traffic authority orders regarding the installation and marking of traffic signs on all roads and streets with public traffic. In addition, special permits are issued for parking, for driving on roads with traffic restrictions, permits and special permits for carrying out large-volume, heavy and hazardous goods transports, as well as special permits from the Sunday driving ban.

  • Contacts

    Traffic regulations and events

    Room B 005
    Responsible for trade and traffic - Mr. Gundrum

    Traffic regulations and events
    Fallersleben / Sülfeld

    Room B 005
    Mr. Dowidat

    Traffic regulations, street naming, exemptions

    City center (Hellwinkel, Heßlingen, Köhlerberg, Rothenfelde, Schillerteich, Stadtmitte, Steimker Berg),
    Mitte-West (Eichelkamp, Hageberg, Hohenstein, Rabenberg, Wohltberg),
    Detmerode / Westhagen

    Room B 006
    Mr. Dippe

    Traffic regulations, street naming, special permits

    Vorsfelde Wendschott, Nordstadt,
    Neuhaus / Reislingen
    Hehlingen, Brackstedt / Velstove, Warmenau
    Sandkamp / Kästorf

    Room B 006
    Mr. Kninider

    Traffic regulations, street naming, exemptions

    Almke / Neindorf, Barnstorf / Norsteimke,
    Ehmen / Mörse, Hattorf / Heiligendorf,

    Room B 007
    Mr. Meissner

    Events, temporary traffic orders, street cleaning

    Room B 007
    Mr. Kolbig

    Special use, opening of stores, fixing of markets

    Room B 008
    Ms. Kammerer and Ms. Antonczyk

    Construction site safety

    Room B 004
    Ms. Herda

    Commercial goods transport, heavy goods transport, parking permits for the severely disabled

    Room B 002
    Ms. Wäke

    Gaming law, driver's logbooks, protection of non-smokers and minors

    Room B 002
    Ms. Lambrecht

    Driving school system, training centers for professional driver qualification,
    permit agreements, house numbering

Note on the VW parking spaces

The parking spaces are owned by Volkswagen AG. The control of illegal parking is carried out by a security service commissioned by Volkswagen AG. Any necessary relocation/towing away of vehicles in the Volkswagen parking lots is arranged internally. Checks by the Municipal Public Order Service (SOD) on Volkswagen AG parking spaces are no longer carried out.

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