Laws, regulations, statutes

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Note: The following links and PDF documents open in a new window.
- Lower Saxony Implementation Act to the Federal Nature Conservation Act (NAGBNatSchG)
- Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG)
- BHV1 - Protected area ordinance of the city of Wolfsburg (PDF)
- Ordinance for the protection of landscape areas in the city of Wolfsburg (PDF)
- Ordinance on natural monuments in the city of Wolfsburg (PDF)
- Ordinance on natural monuments in the city of Wolfsburg (PDF)
- Decree for the protection of natural monuments in the district of Gifhorn from 08.12.1949 (PDF)
- Ordinance for the protection of natural monuments in the city of Wolfsburg from 23.03.1971 (PDF)
- Decree for the protection of a natural monument in the city of Wolfsburg (Old Pond) from 08.12.1977 (PDF)
- Ordinance for the safeguarding of natural monuments in the area of the city of Wolfsburg (13 oak trees in Fallersleben) from 17.03.1977 (PDF)
- Decree on the declaration of the "Almker Mergelgrube" as a natural monument from 15.01.1985 (PDF)
- Statutes for the protection of trees in the city of Wolfsburg, district Teichbreite, as protected landscape elements - tree protection statutes - (PDF)
- Annex to the tree protection statute pond width (PDF)
- Statutes for the protection of trees in the city of Wolfsburg, district Rabenberg, as protected landscape elements (PDF)
- Annex to the tree protection statute Rabenberg (PDF)
- Ordinance on the maintenance of water bodies of order II for the area of the City of Wolfsburg - Maintenance Ordinance - (PDF)
- Regulation on the maintenance of water bodies III. order for the area of the city of Wolfsburg - show and maintenance regulation - (PDF)
- Ordinance on the determination of the floodplain of the Mühlenriede in the area of the city of Wolfsburg (PDF)
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