Green space maintenance
Maintenance and management of green spaces

General maintenance work
Pruning shrubs, picking up trash, mowing lawns, weeding. Every day, the field staff of the Green Division are on duty throughout the city to maintain the well-kept appearance of our urban areas. When it comes to maintaining the green spaces, we are particularly dependent on the advice of the citizens of Wolfsburg, as our employees cannot be everywhere and as a result trash deposits, weeds or other abuses are sometimes not immediately noticed by us.
Tree care, felling and new planting
Specially trained tree inspectors regularly inspect the trees in the urban area so that they can initiate any necessary felling, pruning or maintenance measures.
Planning, construction and redesign of green areas
From playgrounds to complex parks and prestigious areas, high-quality planning and the construction or redesign of the same are our original tasks. Public "green" as a plannable main component of our activities in the service for all fellow citizens of this city. The preservation of natural resources is our main concern as well as the courage to use "green" as an experienceable and tangible design factor of innovative urban planning.
Playground safety and maintenance
Trained playground attendants inspect the approximately 260 playgrounds and ball fields in Wolfsburg, as well as the outdoor play areas in daycare centers and schools, on a weekly basis to ensure safety and cleanliness. The sand on the playgrounds is subjected to a complete cleaning at regular intervals.
The Allerpark
The maintenance of the Allerpark goes beyond the usual maintenance intensity of our green spaces. As this is a particularly frequently frequented area that also has a high value in terms of leisure activities, special maintenance measures are carried out here. For example, the lake itself is mowed twice a year by a mowing boat in order to reduce the water plants and to make swimming in the lake possible. The areas around the Allersee are cleaned daily during the summer months.
Ornamental plantings and flower pots in the city area
Nearly 460 planters including flowering columns as well as ornamental areas of 38,897 square meters, are seasonally planted, watered and maintained by us to beautify the overall image of our city.
City of Wolfsburg
Green Division
Dieselstraße 36
38446 Wolfsburg
Telephone: 05361 28-1234