Geoinformation and geodata analysis
The Geoinformation and Geodata Analysis Department is the central competence and coordination center for geodata and geographic information systems (GIS) for all areas of the Wolfsburg municipal administration.
It advises and supports the departments of the administration with regard to the application of GIS and the use of geodata and ensures the technical operation and development of the municipal geodata infrastructure.
The tasks of the geoinformation and geodata analysis department include the management, maintenance and provision of basic geodata.
The city of Wolfsburg makes various digital thematic maps and geoinformation freely available to citizens and companies via the public geoportal.
City of Wolfsburg
Department Data, Strategies, Urban Development
Department of Geoinformation and Geodata Analysis
Porschestrasse 49
38440 WolfsburgTelephone: 05361 28-2813