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Think together - Act together - We make good schools

The approximately 200 employees in the school division - including administrative specialists, school secretaries, janitors, educational specialists and many more - are actively committed to the "location advantage of education".

This includes close cooperation with principals, teachers, the state education authority and the Lower Saxony Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, as well as with the Wolfsburg Adult Education Center, the music school, the city library, open and association youth work institutions, church and independent providers of all-day school programs, independent educational institutions and many more.

The central tasks of the division are:

... Continuous and qualitative school development planning; new construction, expansion, conversion and maintenance of school buildings; a wide range of services for Wolfsburg schools to ensure the spatial, material, personnel and financial requirements for Wolfsburg schools.

... the provision of teaching and learning materials and the payment of subsidies for lunchtime meals and school travel costs. This also includes preparing and making available media from a wide range of sources. And finally, the education and care of children at all-day elementary school and the networking of schools in the educational landscape.

Goal of the School Division:

To offer children and young people a lively, stimulating educational landscape in Wolfsburg that is geared to the tasks of the future, to support schools in their tasks and their educational work, to involve teachers, educators, and students in shaping a lively school landscape, to provide necessary and meaningful service offerings, and to provide conceptual impetus for new paths that are necessary in terms of educational policy.

  • Construction, modernization and facility management

    • Coordination of new construction, modernization and refurbishment measures at Wolfsburg's schools and daycare centers
    • Performing tasks related to the operation of schools and daycare centers as well as maintenance and further development of the school infrastructure
    • Planning and implementing the furnishing and equipping of schools and daycare centers

  • Control, school development and quality

    The core topics of the department are the structural and qualitative management and development of the city's school landscape. Among other things, we prepare school forecasts, conduct interviews and surveys, take part in building participation processes and support the legal implementation of measures. This concerns all primary and secondary schools, vocational schools and the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences.

  • School meals, transportation and other student-related services.

    School and pupil-related services include the school secretariats, school transport on public and private transport and school catering as part of the municipal school catering concept. We oversee the registration process for first and fifth grade and punish violations of compulsory school attendance. The school counseling service informs families about Wolfsburg's school landscape and provides support in finding a school place.

  • IT in schools

    Our mission is to provide Wolfsburg students with a curriculum-compliant general education using digital media. This requires solid organizational and technologically supported structures that also take into account the acquisition, maintenance, and support of technical equipment and infrastructure, as well as the advanced training of school administrators and teachers.

  • Get to know occupational fields in the social sector

    The city of Wolfsburg offers young people who have completed their twelve years of compulsory schooling and are no older than 27 years of age an opportunity for professional orientation and to become acquainted with occupational fields in the social sector as part of the Voluntary Social Year (FSJ).

    The FSJ usually lasts 12 months and begins on September 1 of each year.

    The FSJ is carried out on a full-time basis as a predominantly practical auxiliary activity in the assignment locations of the school division (see overview of assignment locations). The practical work is accompanied by guidance from specialists and participation in seminars.

    During the FSJ, volunteers receive a monthly allowance and non-contributory health, pension, accident, unemployment and long-term care insurance. Furthermore, during the FSJ volunteers are entitled to child allowance according to the Federal Child Allowance Act (Bundeskindergeldgesetz).
    Since June 1, 2008, the legal basis for the FSJ has been the Law on the Promotion of Youth Volunteer Services (JFDG).

    The FSJ is funded by the Federal Office for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).

  • Youth welfare in schools

    Youth welfare at school supports children and young people with problems in their school, family and circle of friends.

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