News at Strategic Education Management
Children's rights checklist: Wolfsburg sets standards nationwide
Wolfsburg, January 06, 2025
The checklist is an administration-wide instrument for the implementation of children's rights, in particular the right to participation of children in the specialist areas of the administration. It is a successful example of cross-administrative cooperation between all departments on the subject of children's rights. In the long term, the City of Wolfsburg is implementing its strategic goals, i.e. the integration of children's rights in accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into the administration, the examination and implementation of the priority of the best interests of the child in accordance with Article 3 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the structural anchoring of child and youth participation.
A shared vision for Wolfsburg's democratic future
Wolfsburg, November 27, 2024
First democracy conference in the city of Wolfsburg
The first Wolfsburg Democracy Conference took place on Thursday, November 21. Around 100 participants from various areas of the city's society came together at the Treffpunkt am Markt in Westhagen to contribute different perspectives and discuss the current state of democracy in Wolfsburg in depth.
The aim of the conference was to lay the foundations for the Wolfsburg Declaration for Democracy - a declaration that is intended to formulate a vision for Wolfsburg's democratic future. The discussions focused on questions such as: What does democracy mean to us as a city society? What do we stand for and how can we put these values into practice?
The welcoming address by Lord Mayor Dennis Weilmann and City Councillor Iris Bothe was followed by a keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Hannes Delto, who presented the key findings of the study Die distanzierte Mitte - Rechtsextreme und demokratiegefährdende Einstellungen in Deutschland. This study provided an important basis for the subsequent discussions and offered an insight into the current challenges to democracy posed by growing right-wing extremism. After the impulse, the participants worked intensively together in topic-specific working groups to develop a common vision for Wolfsburg's urban society and draw up concrete recommendations for action.
"I was very pleased that so many stakeholders from the city's society accepted the invitation to the democracy conference," explained Lord Mayor Dennis Weilmann. "Our democracy is a valuable asset that we must all protect and shape together. Because only with a vibrant democracy can we create a framework in which all people can feel respected and welcome."
The results of the conference will now be incorporated into the draft of the Wolfsburg Declaration for Democracy. The aim is to create a binding and common basis on which the city's democratic values can be anchored even more deeply and developed further. The city of Wolfsburg is focusing on a participatory process that reflects the diversity of the city and takes into account the individual contributions of all Wolfsburg residents.
City Councillor Iris Bothe emphasized the importance of this initiative: "Democracy is not something that others do for us - it depends on us all taking part, taking responsibility and making our contribution. Every step counts and together we can make Wolfsburg a city in which diversity, respect and cohesion are lived. This conference was an important moment to get into conversation with each other and to reflect on what makes us strong as an urban society: openness, tolerance and the courage to stand up for our convictions. At a time when democracy cannot be taken for granted everywhere, we want to set an example in Wolfsburg. Our city should remain a place where everyone can feel safe, valued and that they belong. We can be proud of this and we will continue to work on this together."
The city of Wolfsburg would like to thank all participants for their commitment, courageous discussions and willingness to openly address controversial topics. This dialog is an important part of creating a vibrant, respectful and diverse urban society in which everyone takes responsibility - from individuals to institutions and associations.
The event is funded as part of the federal program Demokratie leben! As part of the Partnership for Democracy, the city of Wolfsburg is an important cooperation partner of the federal initiative and is committed to diverse, respectful and democratic coexistence.
Project "Consultations in the Wolfsburg migration society"
Wolfsburg, August 19, 2024
Advice centers in a migration society, especially migration and refugee advice centers, play a crucial role in supporting people who want to settle in a new country or region. They should offer individual advice and support on all aspects of migration in order to make the process as smooth as possible for those affected.

The project "Counseling in Wolfsburg's Migration Society" (May 2023 - May 2024) by the Strategic Education Management and the Integration Department of the City of Wolfsburg focused precisely on these counseling services and their target group of people with a migration or refugee background. The advisory landscape in Wolfsburg - as in many other municipalities - is as diverse as the quality criteria that are intended to ensure that advisory services are provided professionally and in a trustworthy manner. This was the starting point for the project, which examined the quality of counseling services in Wolfsburg. Various data sources were used for the analysis, including documents, websites, socio-demographic target group analyses, short interviews and the participation and survey of 39 advisors and 12 management teams of advisory institutions. In this way, the project integrated different perspectives on the topic of (migration) advice in order to do justice to its complexity. In addition to an analysis of the current situation, recommendations for action with concrete measures for the Wolfsburg advisory landscape were developed.
We surveyed our migration advisors and got some exciting answers!
Our survey showed that we were right in our assumption: 88% of migration advisors mainly support those seeking advice in processing forms.
Our idea: We want to simplify these forms with the help of artificial intelligence and make them multilingual at the same time. This would not only facilitate access, but also increase the efficiency of our consultations.
We have also identified two key phenomena:
Advice hopping - Many people seeking advice visit several advice centers for the same issue.
Advice shopping - advice seekers keep looking for advice until they get what they want. This means more work for the counselor, but not necessarily more benefit for the person seeking advice!
Our solutionTo counteract these phenomena, we are planning strategic case workshops. There, the advisors do not talk about individual cases, but about complex case patterns from the advice.
Basic qualification "Effective participation of children and young people in the community"
Wolfsburg, August 9, 2024
From August 7-8, 2024, around 40 employees of the city administration took part in the two-day basic training course "Effective participation of children and young people in the municipality". The training is part of the standards for retaining the "Child-friendly municipality" seal, which have applied to the city of Wolfsburg since it was permanently awarded the "Child-friendly municipality" seal in November 2023.

The aim of the training was to create a cross-administrative understanding of participation and to impart the necessary participation knowledge, including methods suitable for children and young people. In accordance with the agreed standards, there should be contact persons for the topic of children's rights and participation in all areas of the administration. These contact persons act as multipliers in their areas and work towards ensuring that the topic of participation is given "even greater" consideration in day-to-day administrative activities and thus implemented in administrative practice in the long term. In addition, cross-administrative networking and regular exchanges between contact persons is an important step in the implementation of this strategic goal of the City of Wolfsburg.
The participants were able to contribute their previous experience with the topic of participation, but also take away a lot of information and ideas from the "best practice procedures" presented on how successful participation by children and young people can be achieved. The training content was conveyed through the application of various participation methods, so that the participants were able to get to know and try out the diversity and range of participation methods.
The training course was developed and designed by the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk specifically for administrative staff.