Education and participation package
The education and participation package is intended to enable children and young people from low-income families to participate in social activities. For example, they should be able to play in a soccer club, receive a warm lunch at school or a daycare center, or go to the zoo with their school.
General information
Education and participation package
The city of Wolfsburg can enable children from low-income families up to the age of 18 to participate in social and cultural life by
participation in social and cultural life by paying a subsidy of up to 15 euros per month to the service provider.You can find information on this in the following brochure, which is available in various languages.
Note: The brochures are available as *PDF files and open in a new window
Education card Wolfsburg
The Wolfsburg education card is the simple
and practical solution for implementing the federal government's education and participation package. The previous paper vouchers are being replaced by the education card, which children and young people only need to present to the respective service provider. The card will be issued upon initial approval by the competent authority and activated according to the identified needs.
Participating service providers can conveniently debit the services used online. A simple PC with Internet access is sufficient to participate in the system.
What services are available?
We can offer you the following services:
- One-day trips (daycare/school)
- Trips lasting several days (daycare/school)
- School supplies*
- School transport
- Extracurricular learning support
- Community lunch
- Participation in social and cultural life
*If you receive housing allowance and/or child supplement, please submit a separate application for "school supplies" to the housing allowance office.
Who is eligible?
Families with children who receive the following are eligible:
- Citizen's allowance
- Assistance towards living expenses / social welfare
- housing benefit
- Child supplement according to the Federal Child Benefit Act
- Benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
How and where do you apply for benefits?
If you receive citizen's allowance, please contact the Wolfsburg Jobcenter. There you will receive further information and can apply for benefits locally.
If you receive social welfare or asylum benefits from the City of Wolfsburg, you can obtain advice and submit your application at the Service Office (City Hall B, Room 104).
Recipients of housing benefit and/or supplementary child allowance should submit their applications to the City of Wolfsburg/Housing Benefit Office (Town Hall B, rooms 120 and 121).
Of course, you can also send the application by post to the relevant authority as usual. The application is effective as of the first of the month in which it is received. The postmark is valid.
Application forms and notes
- Application for benefits for education and participation with instructions
- Application for assumption of the costs for learning support via the education and participation package (BuT)
- Application for assumption of the costs of a trip lasting several days via the education and participation package
Contact details coordination and accounting BuT
E-mail to Mr. Wittenberg
Phone: 05361 28-1662 - Learning support provider