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Volunteering for the elderly

Everything to do with voluntary work by and for older people.
An older man hugs an older woman. Both are smiling. Photo: contrastwerkstatt/
An older man hugs an older woman. Both are smiling.
Photo: contrastwerkstatt/

Volunteers know how beneficial it can be to do something meaningful for the community, to get involved and actively participate. As part of its work with senior citizens, the Senior Citizens and Care Support Center supports voluntary work by older people.

Would you like to volunteer or do you need information about facilities where you can get involved or get to know different fields of activity? If so, you can obtain information from the Senior Citizens and Care Support Center.


City of Wolfsburg
Senior citizens and care center

Social Affairs Division
Schillerstrasse 40
38440 Wolfsburg

Telephone: 05361 28-2848

Logo of the senior citizens and care support center

You can obtain information on the following voluntary fields of activity from the Senior Citizens and Care Support Center:

  • the management of senior citizens' groups - The senior citizens' and care support point supports the senior citizens' groups through regular exchanges in a discussion group, via the "Education program for senior citizens' groups in Wolfsburg" and through financial subsidies within the "Guidelines for the promotion of senior citizens' work".
  • The "Round Table Nordstadt " - The regular meetings and the various offers that this group takes part in and develops are geared towards questions about growing old in a district.
  • Cooperation in the Seniorenring Wolfsburg e. V. - The Seniorenring and the Senior Citizens and Care Support Center work together. For example, specialist topics are taken up and implemented. The Seniorenring offers many activities for people aged 55 and over.
  • The Seniorenjournal - Volunteer editors meet every 14 days at the Seniorenring Wolfsburg e.V. Specialist suggestions and information are provided by a speaker from the Wolfsburg Adult Education Center.

You can also find out more about other fields of activity on the website of the Koordinierungsstelle Bürgerengagement.

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