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Financing of housing adaptations

There is a wide range of options for adapting the home environment to changing needs adapt

"Often it's just a few simple steps, such as Geldscheine; Foto: pixabay.comthe removal of trip hazards
removing trip hazards or rearranging objects to minimize sources of danger and make everyday life easier.

Other measures can be implemented at relatively low cost, such as installing grab bars or using simple aids. However, there are often costly conversion measures when apartments or houses are adapted.
Sometimes the individual measures carried out add up to several
measures on several zigtausend euro.
(Source: Lower Saxony Office "New Living in Old Age")


Credits and loans

Important: all applications for this must be made before the conversion!

  • from the KfW Bank or the NBank Lower Saxony, with funding via the state of Lower Saxony.

  • via your nursing care insurance fund. Once you have a care level, you can use up to 2,557 euros for care-related conversions. Before the measure, several cost estimates, as well as an application are necessary. Find out more from your care insurance fund or at the care support center.
  • about social assistance in the form of integration assistance;
    according to SGB XII, the social welfare office can grant benefits to improve the living situation of elderly and disabled people. The prerequisite is that no other cost bearer is available and the assumption of costs is not possible/not reasonable for the persons concerned or their relatives; consideration of the income situation of the applicant as well as the first-degree relatives in a straight line (parents, children). There must be a need for assistance or care or a disability. The concept of care is broader than that of long-term care insurance. The basis is the integration assistance (Chapter 6, SGB XII) as well as the assistance for care (Chapter 7) or the assistance for the elderly according to ยง 71 SGB XII.

City of Wolfsburg

  • The also provides pro rata funding for housing adaptations for citizens Offizielles_Logo_Stadt_Wolfsburg_2018
    over 60 years of age. These subsidies are income-dependent, so there is a grant of up to 4,000 euros if the annual income does not exceed 17,000 euros for individuals and 23,000 euros for couples, otherwise a loan is granted. This subsidy must be applied for before the renovation work begins.

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