Benefits for large families
As a voluntary benefit, the city of Wolfsburg grants families with three or more children a subsidy for a family ticket to visit Wolfsburg's outdoor swimming pools. For a personal contribution of 25.00 euros, all outdoor pools can be used throughout the season. The benefit can be claimed by low-income families with children up to the age of 18, provided the children have no income of their own.
The benefits are also granted to children living in the household who have already reached the age of 18 but are still in education. The benefit is income-dependent.
E-mail to Mr. Wittenberg
Telephone: 05361 28-1662 -
What benefits does the WolfsburgCard offer?
Various municipal facilities and companies as well as private providers offer discounts to WolfsburgCard holders.
Who can receive the WolfsburgCard?
Recipients of the following current benefits:
- Citizen's allowance according to the Social Code (SGB) II
- Basic income support, assistance with living expenses, integration assistance or assistance with care according to SGB XII
- Child and youth welfare (SGB VIII)
- the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
- the Housing Benefit Act (WoGG)
You can obtain the WolfsburgCard free of charge without further application from the person responsible for the above-mentioned benefits.
City of Wolfsburg
Department of Social Affairs
Porschestrasse 49
38440 WolfsburgDaniel Wittenberg
City Hall B, Room B 120
Phone: 05361 28-1662
Fax: 05361 28-2888