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Aids for the visually impaired

General information:

There are three different forms of assistance for the visually impaired:

  • National allowance for the blind
  • aid for the blind
  • State fund for the blind


A valid severely disabled person's pass with the mark Bl (blind).
Habitual residence in Lower Saxony (or: residence in an inpatient facility within the Federal Republic of Germany if the place of residence was in Lower Saxony before admission).

Required Documents:

  • Application according to the Social Code - Ninth Book - (SGB IX)
  • Rehabilitation and participation of disabled people - Severely disabled persons law

Responsible bodies:

For the application according to the Social Code - Ninth Book - (SGB IX)
Rehabilitation and Participation of Disabled People - Severely Disabled Persons Act:

State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family
Schillstraße 1
38102 Braunschweig
Telephone 0531 7019-0
Fax: 0531 7019-199

For questions about help for the visually impaired:

City of Wolfsburg
Ms. Sander
Social Affairs Division
Town Hall B, Room 163
Telephone: 05361 28-1181
Fax 05361 28-1469

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