Service point
For social institutions and billing of social services

Social and Health Committee
Supervision and coordination of the meetings of the Social and Health Committee.
Information and meeting dates can be found in the
Billing of social services
Some of the services provided by the Social Affairs Division are reimbursed by the State of Lower Saxony.
The following benefits are regularly settled for this purpose:
- Benefits according to the Housing Allowance Act
- Basic benefits in old age and in case of reduced earning capacity according to the Social Code XII
- Social assistance and integration assistance in accordance with Social Codes IX and XII
Grants to social institutions
Social institutions and organizations are an important part of urban society and enrich social coexistence, also thanks to the commitment of many volunteers.
With their work, the institutions help to improve and stabilize the lives of people in problem situations. In order to maintain, care for and develop the social environment in Wolfsburg, we support more than 30 social institutions.
These include, for example, counseling facilities for people with impairments, debts, addiction problems or homelessness. In addition, we subsidize inclusive projects and services for senior citizens, women in need, and in the area of self-help.
Counseling service for senior citizens, persons in need of care and relatives
Consulting services on other topics
City of Wolfsburg
Division Social Affairs
Service Department
Management: Ms. Leder
Porschestrasse 49
38440 Wolfsburg
Phone: 05361 28-2135
Fax: 05361 28-2888
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