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Green lung and ecological gold

Wolfsburg is one of the greenest cities in Germany.
Cycling in the forest
Photo: Michael Bührke/

The decisive factor here is urban planning, which has meanderingly fitted the city into the landscape structures. Thus, the forest, public green space and built-up areas interlock very closely. Trees and shrubs provide wind protection and balance out the climate extremes. Especially in summer, one notices the soothing coolness of the forest. The sounds of a busy industrial city are muffled, dust and other air pollutants are filtered. The forest retains rainwater, helping to prevent flooding. It filters it, and in some places springs in the forest invite people to drink the fresh water.

A snowflake
Photo: Angelika Wolter/

The forest is a habitat for many animal and plant species, some of which are very rare. It is no secret that deer, wild boar, fox and hare say good night to each other here. But even the red deer sometimes makes its tracks here at night.

With the marsh marigold and many kinds of orchids, not only rare but also sometimes extremely splendid and beautiful plants find their home here. This is also true for rare insect and bird species, which, however, are often difficult to observe. Wood anemones and wild garlic are not rare, but lead to a deep sensory experience of the forest walk with the view of vast carpets of flowers and intensely fragrant forest air.

A roebuck
Photo: Meinhard Siegmundt/

And all this in an extremely beautiful landscape: Klieversberg, Hasselbachtal, Drei Steine, Tommyquelle and Hattorfer Teiche - the valley of the Mühlenriede and the Uralteichen near Alt-Wolfsburg are just a few selected examples that make an excursion worthwhile!

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