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Environmental photo challenge for the winter season

Everyone can do something good for the environment in the comfort of their own home during the cooler months of the year!

Contribute to environmental protection with little effort: this time our environmental challenge has the motto "Upcycling" (giving products a new use).

We look forward to receiving your photos and hope that many of them will inspire us.

The four challenges in the winter season:


Paper creations

Are there any damaged books in the household? Old exercise books? Shopping lists?

What can you use them for? In the picture: a small example! We look forward to your ideas!

By the way: It takes 10 liters of water to produce one sheet of paper. About 70% less for recycled paper. Further information can be found on the website of the Süddeutsche Zeitung or at the Federal Environment Agency.


Winter decoration

Making something new from supposed garbage? Of course! In the picture you can see a decorative example of this challenge. We look forward to seeing your winter decorations!

By the way: 433 kg of waste is thrown away per person in Germany every year. Further information can be found on the website of the Federal Statistical Office.


Packaging art

Conjure up a plant bowl from empty cans, a work of art from broken porcelain, or do you have other creative ideas that you would like to share? We look forward to your ideas!
By the way: Porcelain or ceramics that have been artfully repaired with gold lacquer are called kintsugi in Japan. Further information can be found on the National Geographic website.


Gift idea

A pretty gift tag made from leftover wood in the cellar from an old breakfast board or cardboard from the last college notebook is a sustainable and individual option for a self-designed tag. Show us your ideas and inspire us and others with them!

By the way: On average, a beech tree binds around 12.5 kg of CO2 per year. Further information can be found on the Wild Bavaria website.


We would be delighted if you could document your participation in the challenges with photos and send them by 14.03.2025 to the following e-mail address with the subject "Environmental Challenge".

Please indicate the author of the photos for publication.

The first person to submit a photo for each of the four environmental challenges will receive a small thank-you for their efforts. In addition, the five best photos will be published here on the City of Wolfsburg website. We will contact you for this purpose. All contact details will then be deleted. The photos will be deleted no later than eight weeks after the end of the environmental challenge.

This campaign is the result of a cooperation between the NaturErkundungsSTation NEST, the climate protection team of the environmental department of the city of Wolfsburg, the Stadtforst Wolfsburg and the city library.

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