Advice and support services for tradespeople

Advice and support in detail
The aim is to future-proof the district centers and strengthen their unique character. To this end, special business ideas with a positive effect on the revitalization and diversity of the centers are required. The aim is to strengthen and supplement the existing range of services and offer the residents and guests of the Fallersleben and Vorsfelde districts added value.
In addition to a comprehensive advisory service in close cooperation between the associations Blickpunkt Fallersleben and Verkehrsverein Vorsfelde-Live and Wolfsburg Wirtschaft und Marketing GmbH, new offers that contribute to the diversity of offers through unique selling points are supported in their establishment in the old town centers by a targeted grant.
- The subsidy covers up to 50 percent of the net cold rent for the first 12 months for the selected business ideas - up to a maximum of EUR 417 per month. Other costs such as ancillary costs and operating costs are excluded from the subsidy. The net rent must correspond to normal rents in the area.
- The rent subsidy is granted for the first 12 months of the tenancy or from the opening of the business, but ends at the latest on 31.08.2025, when the federal program "Zukunftsfähige Innenstädte und Zentren" ends.
- The rent subsidy must be applied for no later than two months after the start of the tenancy or the opening of the business. The rent subsidy can be paid retroactively for the first two months of the tenancy or business opening, but only from 01.09.2024.
- In accordance with the guideline, the economic re-use of an existing store in the old towns of Fallersleben and Vorsfelde (central service area) is subsidized. This does not include business succession.
- There is no legal entitlement to funding under these guidelines. The WMG and the City of Wolfsburg, as the authorizing bodies, decide at their own discretion and within the scope of the available budget and funding.
- Small and medium-sized enterprises are eligible to apply. In particular, concepts in the retail, gastronomy and service sectors that contribute to enriching the variety of offers through unique selling points are to be supported. This could also include, for example, small artisan workshops such as potteries, soap manufacturers, sewing studios and goldsmiths, as well as showrooms and the direct sale of agricultural products. Entertainment venues, hairdressing businesses without the title of master craftsman as well as other body-related services and large companies are excluded from the grant.
- Applications for inclusive business concepts, special self-managed offers for young people and concepts from the leisure and adventure sector are also expressly welcome.
- The process ends when all funds have been awarded. The available funds will be divided equally between Vorsfelde and Fallersleben.
A prerequisite is the use of the advisory services offered by the Wolfsburg WMG business development agency.
Further details can be found in the funding guidelines.
Interested? Apply now and let's shape the future of Fallersleben and Vorsfelde together!
Interested? These are the necessary documents
Applications must be submitted digitally in PDF format to WMG at using only the application form provided under Downloads. Alternatively, applications can be sent by post to WMG, Porschestraße 26, 38440 Wolfsburg.
We need the following from you to submit an application:- A signed application form (see downloads)
- A complete and coherent business plan that addresses all relevant issues for the opening of the business.
Please refer to the "IHK Business Plan Guide" at This guide contains all the important points and content required for approval and also offers a ready-made, fillable financing plan for download. - A capital requirement, financing, profitability and liquidity plan. The profitability plan must be prepared for three years at annual level and the liquidity plan for two years at monthly level. The linked IHK website provides assistance under point 2.
- A draft rental agreement or a completed rental agreement that meets the criteria of the directive.
- A signed de minimis declaration stating that the applicant does not exceed the current maximum amount permitted under the EU de minimis Regulation. (see downloads)
Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. Applications are only deemed to have been formally and properly submitted once all documents supporting the application have been submitted for review.
Applicants who are shortlisted will present their business idea to the WMG, the City of Wolfsburg's Urban Planning Department and the Center Office. If several suitable applicants apply for a store, the aforementioned will decide on the basis of the business idea presented.
The WMG's business development department supports and advises interested parties in the application process and, if necessary, in the search for suitable store premises.
You are welcome to make an appointment with the WMG's business development team.
E-mail address:
Telephone: 49 5361 89994-25Porschestraße 26 | 38440 Wolfsburg
- Downloads