"Summer in Vorsfelde" action week well attended
The "Summer in Vorsfelde" campaign week, which took place on the church square in front of St. Peter's in Vorsfelde from August 10 to 17, helped to make the area more attractive. Between 600 and 700 visitors used the square, which was furnished with seating and plants. The various intergenerational events were well received - including sewing activities for children, an afternoon with VR glasses organized by the ASS youth centre, an open-air cinema, an open-air local council meeting and the open-air consultation hours of the ZentrenBüro.
The aim of the action week was to highlight the potential of this central square and to discuss the future of the square with local Vorsfeld residents. Discussions with local residents took place on the fringes of the activities. The city also received positive feedback from residents, neighbors and traders. The residents and the local council would like to use this square again next year as an alternative - perhaps for a longer period this time. First City Councillor and City Planning Councillor Kai-Uwe Hirschheide can also imagine the square being permanently redesigned and used according to the seasons.

Meetings of the Disposition Commission
The next meetings of the disposal committees will take place as follows:
September 18 at 5:00 p.m.Fallersleben
October 01 at 5:00 p.m. -
Fallersleben, Vorsfelde, city center - Wolfsburg is three times wow. In this campaign, we want to make Wolfsburg's diversity visible and highlight the special features of the historic city centers of Fallersleben and Vorsfelde.
Citizens' workshops in Fallersleben and Vorsfelde well attended
Get involved - design your Fallersleben and your Vorfelde - in two further workshops on Tuesday, 12 September in Fallersleben and Wednesday, 13 September in Vorsfelde, citizens were invited to contribute their suggestions and ideas for making the two districts more attractive as part of the federal funding program Zukunftsfähige Innenstädte und Zentren. The public had already been involved in a survey at the end of 2022 and in initial workshops at the beginning of 2023.
On both evenings, the complan Kommunalberatung office, which has been commissioned to update the location concepts for both old town centers, presented the current results. Citizens then had the opportunity to discuss or add to these. The results were summarized in the plenary session. In Fallersleben, the main topics discussed were crossing aids for pedestrians and cyclists and cleanliness (number of litter garbage cans and litter garbage can models). In Vorsfelde, the focus was primarily on offers for children and young people and local recreation. The two location concepts are to be finalized and completed by the end of the year.
In addition, the results of the respective image analysis, which was also commissioned as part of the funding program, were presented.
The complan office presented the location concept in Fallersleben.Participants took part in the further development of the location concept in Vorsfelde. -
Disposal fund - Join in! Design your old town center
Do you have a project idea that you would like to implement to enhance and strengthen the old town centers in Fallersleben or Vorsfelde? Then you've come to the right place with the Verfügungsfonds - because it specifically supports civic engagement. The fund is financed 60 percent from public and 40 percent from private funds. You can submit your project at any time, provided that it is implemented by 2025. The center office or the city's urban planning and building consultancy department will be happy to provide you with advice and support during the preparation phase.
Further information and the application form can be found in the download area.
Disposition fund Fallersleben and Vorsfelde
First projects selected from both districts
As part of the "Sustainable inner cities and centers" funding program, a disposition fund was set up in the Fallersleben and Vorsfelde districts to promote cooperative projects. The disposal fund specifically supports local civic engagement. In 2023, the two fund commissions from Vorsfelde and Fallersleben - members of the local council, local associations, representatives of the municipal youth advisory council and the city administration - have already met twice each to decide on the project applications submitted.
A total of eight projects have already been selected for funding. "The projects reflect the commitment and voluntary work for Fallersleben and Vorsfelde in particular," emphasizes Silke Lässig, Head of Urban Planning and Building Consultancy.
For both districts, for example, a project was approved that provides QR codes with stored information on the many existing monuments and historical buildings in Vorsfelde and Fallersleben, making them digitally accessible to tourists and interested residents. Furthermore, an exchange cabinet was set up in Vorsfelde to boost the circular economy in the interests of sustainability. In Fallersleben, an application was also selected for a boules court at the Hoffmannhaus. As part of the project, the previously underused open space is to be redesigned and revitalized. In addition, one project in each district was funded in the sense of a sharing model: mobile stage elements in Fallersleben and a music system in Vorsfelde. Both purchases can be requested and borrowed by several initiatives and clubs.
Associations, individuals, institutions or initiatives from both districts can submit project ideas to the city of Wolfsburg and the center office until 2025 and thus apply for project funding. The disposition fund is available for both investment and non-investment measures to increase the attractiveness of the centers.
The new projects are intended to strengthen the districts of Fallersleben and Vorsfelde and can, for example, contribute to making the image more attractive, enable inner city-compatible and climate-friendly mobility or improve the spatial and design quality of public spaces, for example. The continuation of existing projects or annually recurring projects as well as maintenance or ongoing operating costs are not eligible for funding. The selected projects receive funding of 60 percent of the total costs and must be implemented by the end of 2025. A maximum grant of 6,000 euros is possible per application and the de minimis limit is 500 euros.
For Fallersleben and Vorsfelde, 12,000 euros per year are available for the disposal funds until 2025. Due to the sixty percent funding, this results in a total volume of 20,000 euros per district and year, including private contributions. For the year 2024, there will be three rounds in which the two fund commissions will decide on the projects to be funded. The submission deadlines are: 17.04.2024 and 21.08.2024. The Centers Office and the Urban Planning and Building Consultancy Division look forward to receiving your applications!
Projects in Fallersleben
Projects in Vorsfelde
Opening hours
How to reach the center offices in Fallersleben and Vorsfelde:
Fallersleben center office - Denkmalplatz 5, 38442 Wolfsburg.
Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Every first Wednesday of the month, contact persons from the city's urban planning and building consultancy department are on site.
E-mail address: info@zentrenbuero.de
Telephone: 05363/812 31 30
Vorsfelde center office - Lange Straße 37, 38448 Wolfsburg.
Wednesdays from 15:30 to 17:30
Every first Wednesday of the month, contact persons from the city's urban planning and building consultancy department are on site.
E-mail address: info@zentrenbuero.de
Telephone: 05363/812 31 30
The staff at the center offices are also available at other times by personal appointment.

Information about the project
The support program
The Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) promotes innovative concepts to strengthen resilience and crisis management in cities and municipalities with the federal program "Zukunftsfähige Innenstädte und Zentren" (Sustainable inner cities and centers). The program is prompted by the far-reaching changes taking place in many cities and communities, which are particularly affecting downtowns, city or district centers and village centers. The ongoing structural change in the retail sector as well as new forms of offerings and operations in the areas of tourism, hospitality, culture, church, housing and commerce are cited as major challenges.
The purpose of the funding is both the model development of innovative concepts and action strategies and the implementation of projects on site. The federal government wants to support cities and municipalities in overcoming acute and also structural problem situations in the inner cities, city and district centers by (further) developing them as places of identification of the municipality into multifunctional, resilient and cooperative places.
The city of Wolfsburg successfully completed the selection process for participation in the program and was one of 238 municipalities to receive funding.
The project areas
In addition to promoting the city center through the state program "Perspektive Innenstadt!", the city administration has planned the development of the district centers of Vorsfelde and Fallersleben as priority areas. Like the city center, these are designated as central service areas. The exact designation of the two development areas can be found in the downloads.
Presentation of the Fallersleben development areaPresentation of the Vorsfelde development area -
The project idea and the center office
The project title is "3 centers, 1 concept". The goal is to better sharpen the profile of the two district centers Vorsfelde and Fallersleben in relation to each other and to the city center and to bring them into a lively, coherent correspondence with the city center. To this end, a process is to be initiated in both towns that identifies and implements target-oriented measures together with the local players and local politicians.
The city of Wolfsburg has commissioned the Center Office to coordinate center development in Fallersleben and Vorsfelde.
Updating of location concepts and development of image analyses
The existing location concepts for the old town centers of Fallersleben and Vorsfelde are being jointly further developed as part of the federal funding program "Zukunftsfähige Innenstädte und Zentren. Similarly, the special identity of the district centers is being worked out through image analyses prepared in parallel, the identification of the people with them is being strengthened and the diversity of Wolfsburg is being made visible. On 02. and 08.02.2023 citizen workshops have already taken place in the respective district centers. The documentation of the events can be found here:
- PROTOCOL on the Image Analysis Citizens' Workshop Fallersleben
- PRESENTATION on the image analysis Citizens' Workshop Fallersleben
- PROTOCOL to the site concept Citizens' Workshop Fallersleben
- PRESENTATION on the site concept Citizens' Workshop Fallersleben
- PROTOCOL on the image analysis Citizens' Workshop Vorsfelde
- PRESENTATION on the image analysis Citizens' Workshop Vorsfelde
- PROTOCOL to the site concept Citizens' Workshop Vorsfelde
- PRESENTATION on the site concept Citizens' Workshop Vorsfeld
- Funding guidelines of the City of Wolfsburg on the award of grants to promote cooperative projects and actions by municipal and private actors in the districts of Fallersleben and Vorsfelde
- Application form for funding from the Fallersleben / Vorsfelde Disposition Fund
- Presentation of the results of the Fallersleben image analysis
- Presentation of the results of the Vorsfelde image analysis
- Composition of the Fallersleben and Vorsfelde Disposal Committees
- Rules of Procedure of the Fallersleben and Vorsfelde Disposal Committees
- Information on funding as part of the disposition fund for the Fallersleben district
- Information on funding as part of the disposition fund for the Vorsfelde district